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Fwd: Kingdom A & S

The following is a message I sent to our Minister of Arts and Sciences 
recently.   A second part to this message will appear in another post.  

<< Hello, Genevieve.
 You were very kind following last year's Kingdom A & S to solicite input 
from everyone concerning the event and suggestions for future yearly 
festivals.  I am very curious as to why such a radical alteration of the 
whole affair has been instituted.  The yearly kingdom arts and sciences 
festival cum competition should be a show of the arts and sciences that 
people have done in that kingdom over the last year;  it should be a 
wonderful opportunity for all artisans and scientists to not only show their 
crafts but to receive feedback from others;  it should include as many of the 
many medieval crafts as possible because the interests and skills of the 
kingdom's populace is hugely varied;  it is a chance for people who are not 
fighters or politicians to see the third aspect of the SCA in all its glory 
and variety, to meet other artisans and compare notes, to judge and be judged.
 I am very disappointed, both for myself and for other artisans, that this 
sort of festival will not take place.  By reducing the competitions to only 
three, the festival is now like any other SCA event during the year, nothing 
special except for those specific categories.  Further, with the announcement 
coming out in the next month's newsletter, that not only negates all the work 
that everybody has been dong towards the yearly A & S Festival but only 
allows for two months for those interested in participating in the three 
competitions to make anything, assuming that their interests run to brewing 
or veils.  
 The reasons you gave for not doing the same kind of overall competition were 
logistical and should be easy to solve.  Now is the time to line up your 
laurel judges, not the week before, etc.  I do not wish to take over anyone's 
job as I know it is a thankless, but worthwhile one, I'm sure.  But as an 
artisan of many year's experience whose areas of expertise are not making 
veils, I am very disappointed.  As I said before, what the festival has 
become now is like any other regular SCA event.  That is a shame, in my 
 I wish you well with your endeavors.  
 with regards from Ingvild Josefsdatter (Nancy Spies) >>

---- Begin included message ----
Hello, Genevieve.

You were very kind following last year's Kingdom A & S to solicite input from 
everyone concerning the event and suggestions for future yearly festivals.  I 
am very curious as to why such a radical alteration of the whole affair has 
been instituted.  The yearly kingdom arts and sciences festival cum 
competition should be a show of the arts and sciences that people have done 
in that kingdom over the last year;  it should be a wonderful opportunity for 
all artisans and scientists to not only show their crafts but to receive 
feedback from others;  it should include as many of the many medieval crafts 
as possible because the interests and skills of the kingdom's populace is 
hugely varied;  it is a chance for people who are not fighters or politicians 
to see the third aspect of the SCA in all its glory and variety, to meet 
other artisans and compare notes, to judge and be judged.

I am very disappointed, both for myself and for other artisans, that this 
sort of festival will not take place.  By reducing the competitions to only 
three, the festival is now like any other SCA event during the year, nothing 
special except for those specific categories.  Further, with the announcement 
coming out in the next month's newsletter, that not only negates all the work 
that everybody has been dong towards the yearly A & S Festival but only 
allows for two months for those interested in participating in the three 
competitions to make anything, assuming that their interests run to brewing 
or veils.  

The reasons you gave for not doing the same kind of overall competition were 
logistical and should be easy to solve.  Now is the time to line up your 
laurel judges, not the week before, etc.  I do not wish to take over anyone's 
job as I know it is a thankless, but worthwhile one, I'm sure.  But as an 
artisan of many year's experience whose areas of expertise are not making 
veils, I am very disappointed.  As I said before, what the festival has 
become now is like any other regular SCA event.  That is a shame, in my 

I wish you well with your endeavors.  

with regards from Ingvild Josefsdatter (Nancy Spies)
---- End included message ----