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RE: Good Gentles All

Poster: E L Wimett <silverdragon@charleston.net>

One:  The Academy does NOT specifically specialize in Gaelic names.  There is one person who is excellent in some Celtic languages.  Another lived in Scotland and has access to some good sources not readily available here, but more for Scots than for Gaelic.  Most of the others focus elsewhere.

Two: The name is not totally Gaelic or Irish.  Gruffydd is Welsh and would not usually be attached in this manner in an Irish or Gaelic name.

While ***I*** would not have a problem with registering Grania O'Flaherty which is a later and very anglicised form, the other form would be more likely with a few minor changes for correct grammar.

The feminine patronymic particle is used after a feminine name in Gaelic such as Grainne and the noun following that feminine particle suffers lenition ni Fhlaithbheartaigh rather than O Flaithbheartaigh.

Metron Ariston Herald 

-----Original Message-----
From:	EoganOg@aol.com [SMTP:EoganOg@aol.com]
Sent:	Monday, April 19, 1999 9:04 PM
To:	atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
Subject:	Re: Good Gentles All

Poster: EoganOg@aol.com

In a message dated 99-04-19 20:50:18 EDT, you write:

>  i *do* have a name, both are
>  somewhat prounounced the same but the spellings differ.  
>  one is a more modern (easier to prounounce and spell) version and one is
>  in the older Irish (older, more impressive and period)
>  my question ...(at long last!) is....
>  virtual drum roll]
>  which to choose?
>  Option A: Grania O'Flaherty Gruffydd
>  Option B: Grainne O'Flaithbheeartaigh Gruffydd

You may wish to seek the opionion of the Academie of St. Gabriel, who 
specialize in gaelic names.

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