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Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday Faire

Poster: Krys413@aol.com

Hidden Mountain Birthday Faire
May 21-22-23, 1999

Once again it is time for friends from far and near to come together to 
celebrate the Glory and the Majesty that is the Barony of Hidden Mountain.  
Fun, frolic and fighting abound for this, her Fifteenth Birthday!  The 
festivities will commence at 9am on the 22nd, and will include many 
surprises!  Some of the activities are:

Fighting: Her Excellency bids combatants to take up arms to fight in a Bear 
Pit Tourney, followed by a Dragon Hunt.  For those of the lighter persuasion, 
there will be Rapier scenarios which will not disappoint.  Any willing to 
test their skills with a bow will have a Target Archery Shoot.  Her 
Excellency will select a champion from the list, which is open to all 
fighters, not just those who would vie for the title.
Arts & Sciences: All artisans are encouraged to bring their best work to 
display or compete in these categories: STATIC: (1) Open; (2) Hidden Mountain 
Regalia; (3) Masks.  There will be an open PERFORMANCE competition, as well 
as a PLAY competition in the spirit of the morality plays of the middle ages, 
and any gentles may perform an original play.  Judging will be based on the 
play itself, not on the performance of the "actors"!!  A&S classes will also 
be offered, including classes on masks for adults and children.

There will be CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES, including games, mask-making and more.  
There will be a FOOL'S PARADE for jugglers, acrobats, musicians and other 
gentles with talents beyond compare!  Join in the fun, or cast your vote for 
MOST FRIVOLOUS FOOL! MERCHANTS of course are welcome, as no village is 
complete without an excuse to lighten your purse! Misty Marsh will offer a 
HEARTY LUNCH for a small fee.  And the fun does not stop after dark!  No, no, 
no! There will be a MASQUERADE BALL, a BARDIC CIRCLE, and a new 
tradition....MIDNIGHT BOCCIE!!

Cost: $13 on board/on site prepaid, $18 at the door; $9 on board/off site, 
$12 at the door; $5 day trip.  Smalls 4 & under free; ages 5-11 half price.  
Pre-registration deadline is May 10, 1999.  Make checks payable to the Canton 
of Misty Marsh, SCA, Inc.

The SITE is Cheraw State Park, Highway 52, Cheraw, SC.  There is ample cabin 
space, 4 persons per cabin.  It is ABSOLUTELY BONE DRY, and no pets are 
allowed.  The address is 100 State Park Road, Cheraw, SC 29520.  The site 
opens at 5:00 pm on Friday, May 21st, and closes at 12 noon on Sunday, May 

A delectable and magnificent FEAST will be prepared by Lady Rowen the 
Shiftless.  Address feast concerns to Robert the Fool at (843) 899-3018.

Address reservations or questions to the autocrat, Lady Julianna di 
Fiorentini (Sherry Mack), 2357 Julie Ann Drive, Florence, SC 29505.  (843) 
665-5977 NLT 10pm.

            DIRECTIONS: From the NORTH/SOUTH, take I-95 to exit 164 (Highway 
52) north.  The 
                 site is 33.6 miles from the exit.  After 5 miles, turn left 
to take the 52 bypass around 
                      Darlington.  In  Society Hill (23.7 miles after the 
exit), 52 bears left again.  The 
                           site is another 10 miles on your left.  From the 
WEST, take Hwy. 1 to 
                              Hwy. 52, turn right, and the site will be 1.5 
miles on right.  
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