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next Acorn letter from Clerk of Signet

Poster: Becky McEllistrem <beckymc@MICROSOFT.com>

Could someone cross-post to TNNP?


This is the letter that goes to the Acorn (not that stuff above)

Greetings fair Atlantia from Lady Rebecca the Contrary, Clerk of Signet

As usual I am always thrilled by the displays of the college of scribes of
Atlantia and this past Coronation competition was no exception.  The display
was once again another reason why I'm so honored to be a member of this

I was highly impressed by Dun Carraig and the first kingdom attempts from
there.  The work was wonderful, and if I hadn't known who did the scrolls I
would have never realized they were first attempts.  

I thank again Master Tristan, Margaret Cameroun, and all the other scribes
who continued with an exquisite display of quality.  You inspire us all.

In other business, my Deputy Clerk signet has resigned because of a modern
life that's sprung many recent (although pleasant) surprises.  Because of
this I am in search of a new Deputy Clerk Signet.  Lady Genevieve D'Evreux
remains to help with new scribes, web page building and assignments however
there is still much to be done and very little time to do it.  For instance:
Besides a Deputy Clerk of Signet I will always need a status scribe and
other assistants.  

Qualifications:  Two or more years of experience scribing for kingdom.
Office-related experience on any level is helpful.  Strong communication
skills that contain a high level of courtesy is a must.  Access to a
computer is a must.  (It doesn't have to be yours but during a competition
it's nearly impossible to keep up with the pen and paper method.)  If you
have any interest please write me personally.  My address is in regnum.

In Service,

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