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Poster: Christoph & Sherry Hintze <chhintze@bmd.clis.com>

Unto those gathered here, does Lady Kat send greetings.  I recently
received the following email,and have received permission to repost it
here.  I have given her some resources, both on & off the Web, but I am
certain there are others here who can offer more.  Please respond to her
privately, as she does not get the Merry Rose.

Thank you,
Lady Kat
Shire of Cathanar, Coastal Alliance

>From: Vgantt@aol.com
>Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 13:03:15 EDT
>Subject: SCA
>To: chhintze@bmd.clis.com
>Hello Sherry,
>My name is Veronica and I live in Cary, NC. I stumbled across the SCA after 
>seeing an article in the local paper. I'm getting married in October and 
>would like to have a medieval theme. I'm wondering if you (or any of your 
>fellow members) can direct me to resources that cater to this kind of event? 
>It's not something you find in the yellow pages! I envision the costumes, 
>food and pagentry of the era . . . now if I can only convince the minister
>dress as a monk!
>Thanks for your time,
>Veronica Wilklow
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