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Re: Hey you Northern Fighters....

Poster: Svanhildr@aol.com

In a message dated 5/10/99 12:40:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
poetamilitarus@yahoo.com writes:

> Also, Caer Mear practices are still going strong with about 10 -30
>  fighters each Tuesday night at Fort Lee working on Tourney, as well as
>  melle skills. I just thought that i'd remind folks since last week I
>  was told by a respected Norhtern unbelt that he had "heard that those
>  practices were pretty stale these days...'
>  I wonder what the King and Prince (both from Caer Mear, and who
>  regularly attend that practice think of that...)

For other Northern Fighters who may want to goto Caer Mear on Tuesdays... I 
go every Tuesday...well just about every Tuesday. If you would like a ride 
just send me an email. I'm always looking for other people so I can Hit the 
HOV lane... I mean get to know more folk. <grin>
I leave Tyson's Corner at 4:30

So if your interested Email me...

Sorry I missed you guys at the Silver Spring practice....
I'll try beatin' on ya the next time I see ya...


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