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Fw: [SCA-AE] ANNOUNCE: Ealdormere Loss (fwd)

Poster: "MTR/AAHR" <wolffe@onslowonline.net>

----- Original Message -----
From: Monica Cellio <mjc@telerama.com>
To: <sca-aethelmearc-announce@andrew.cmu.edu>
Sent: Sunday, May 16, 1999 23:59
Subject: [SCA-AE] ANNOUNCE: Ealdormere Loss (fwd)

>sca-aethelmearc-announce@andrew.cmu.edu is for announcements only.
>Replies and questions are sent to sca-aethelmearc@andrew.cmu.edu or to
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>[A little more info, forwared at the request of Dame TSivia.]
>Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 20:59:48 -0400
>From: Shelley Rabinovitch <tsivia@uottawa.ca>
>To: mjc@telerama.lm.com
>Subject: Ealdormere Loss
>Sunday, May 16, one of the lights of Ealdormere was snuffed out forever.
>Duke Osis, King of Ealdormere and former King of the Midrealm, was killed
>a car accident while returning from "Clash of the Kingdoms".  Also killed
>was Lady Bernadette of der Welfengau, his squire.  Lord Bubba, another of
>Osis's squires, is in critical condition in an Ontario hospital.
>Say a prayer for HRM Caitlin, and all who love Ealdormere and her people.
>Baroness TSivia bas Tamara v'Amberview, O.L., Ealdormere
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