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Repost: What the Natives Say - publication date

Poster: "Rowanwald Central" <rownwald@gte.net>

Please excuse the repost, but the message didn't show up in my "Merry Rose"
file, so I honestly don't know if it made it to the list....

> A merry greeting this morning!
   The project that I've been working on for so long is finally at the
printers (after some long hours spent by Master Rabah to format it), and
will be available for purchase at Emerald Joust. The projected price is
$10.00. It is being used as a fundraiser for my barony, so I hope it will
sell well. 
   Those of you who have been reading the monthly articles are already
familiar with the work. For those of you who have no bloody idea what I'm
talking about, "What the Natives Say" is a compilation of facts, stories,
and physical characteristics of every place that you would possibly live at
(or visit) in your time period. (Well, as a disclaimer, of course, not
EVERY fact or even close, but the best I could do in one year's worth of
research.) Included are foundation dates for universities, cities, and
churches; anecdotes about places and famous (or not) people, and land marks
that you'd likely be familiar with, were you to have been there. The goal
was to have a "manual" that would give the average SCAdian a background for
their personas. For example, as a scholar visiting Charlemagne's court in
Aachen, you'd know that you'd study in the court school established by
Alcuin, the British teacher, which used the same "tri" and "quad" system
that our University of Atlantia uses (*grin*), and that Charlemagne loved
to swim, so there was a marble pool at his court that could hold 100

   Anyway, what I'm nattering on about is that the work is done, printed,
and ready for distribution at upcoming events. It is about 90 pages of
info, in an 8x11 format. The first printing is small, so if you'd like to
reserve a book, please contact me (that will help us determine how many to
print, so as to not overstrain our barony's coffers).  I'll be making
arrangements this weekend to have it available at Pennsic for those of you
who don't attend Atlantian events.

   So, having made this blatant attempt to drum up interest, I'll return
you to your lovely day.

In service,
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