Unto my Friends of Atalntia and Beyond,
I am still shut out of the Tavern, for the
Sins of those (@home) whom I do not know, so I will not know, for certain, that
this message has made it unless some kind soul so informs me (privately, as
there is no need to consume the bandwidth).
It is my privelege to announce the
formation of a new fighter practice in the viscinity of Caer Mear. On
Thursday nights, beginning next week, from 7:00 'til 9:00, the College of
Yarnvid is hosting a New Fighters' Practice (aka Baby Seal Pool). The
focus of this practice is technique..technique..technique for the beginning and
intemediate fighter (heavy). We will be teaching nominal armor standards
and blow acknowledgement, both ideal and realistic (for those seals about to go
out with the orcas). We will also be teaching armoring for the financially
challenged. Of course, the Rules of the List are priority one. All
fighters, sixteen or older are invited to attend. Fighters sixteen to
eighteetn must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian and must have the
appropriate paperwork completed before armoring up. Experienced fighters
are cordially invited to come and instruct. However, this is a Baby Seal
Pool. Experienced fighters are repectfully requested to avoid slaughtering
the Baby Seals.
This practice is intended to address a need
which has been brought to the attention of the Marshallate of the College.
To wit, there are some people out there who would like to fight but are
intimidated by the level of combat at the regular Caer Mear fighter
practices. This practice is for them. This practice is also for
those "old fat men" (like myself) and experienced lovely ladies who have enjoyed
armored combat in the past but cannot (or are unwilling to) keep up with the
aforementioned level of Combat in Caer Mear. Caer Mear-ean fighters are a
puissant lot and we all take great pride in them. This practice is for the
rest of us.
The Thursday Night New Fighters'
Practice (and Baby Seal Pool) will take place at the Church of the Epiphany on
Smoketree Drive. As you may recall, this is the location of the College of
Yarnvid's Arts and Sciences Gathering on Tuesday nights and the former site of
the Caer Mear Fighter Practice. If you wish to attend, please let me know
and I will make sure you get directions. If you are not on the e-mail
list, you will not have read this and we can only hope the your electronically
enabled friends have passed the word on to you (hint, hint). This practice
will be fun and informative and will continue as long as there is any interest
in it. 'Nuff said. I have the honor to be, Yours in Service to
Chivalry (adjective, not noun),
Baron Werhener von Ingolstadt
Acting Knights Marshal
College of Yarnvid