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windmasters' hill email list is back up

Poster: many waters cannot quench love <lisa@technomancer.com>

greetings, good gentles,  

pardon me for posting regional news to a kingdom list, but i wanted to let
everyone know that the windmasters list lives again!  like the proverbial
phoenix, the keep has risen from the ashes, better than before...

to subscribe, send email to majordomo@windmastershill.org with the BODY

subscribe keep

the posting-only access, formerly via windmasters-alt, is still available
at keep-alt@windmastershill.org .  (ie, if you have multiple email
addresses and wish to read the list from only one but post from all of
them, subscribe the reading address to keep and the posting-only addresses
to keep-alt.)

hopefully this box will prove to be more stable (and hackerproof) than our
previous homes...  sometime next week i'll be moving the baronial web
pages to www.windmastershill.org, too.  (there'll continue to be a
pointer from the current url so nobody gets lost in the shuffle.)


					melys, listowner again. :)

lisa lorenzin  |  lisa@technomancer.com  |  http://www.1000plus.com/lisa/
of what avail is an open eye if the heart is blind? - solomon ibn gavirol

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            Submissions:  atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
        Admin. requests:  majordomo@atlantia.sca.org