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Re: Nerds and Geeks and SCAjuns, oh my!

Poster: "Michael Jeffrey Looney" <barderic@mailcity.com>

Okay, I guess it's my turn now.
I am a SW fan, but I have the entire thought that this thing is going to be out for months, and it's not like a play where it's going to be a different performance in 3 months than it is now, it's going to be the same thing, exactly.  SO, I'm waiting to see it, and I'm not antsey about it.
Now on a different front, I've been called a trekkie just b/c I want to see the new ST films the day they come out...i'm a "nerd" or a "geek" b/c of that, right?  It's tradition in my family...my mother took me every year to see the new movie the first day it came out, and it turned into a ritual, but it doens't change my life any b/c i have.
I want to see the new SW film terrably, but I'm not "drop-dead" over it.
I'm rambling again, huh?

Tristin de Roquelaure ("idiot savant")
Kingdon of Atlantia
Barony of the Windmaster's Hill
Canton of Buckston-on-Eno
Household Ethereal
ICQ # 30609364
"Als thai haf wryten and sayd
Haf I alle in myn Inglis layd,
In symple speechs as I couthe,
That is lightest in manne's mouthe.
Alle for the luf of symple men,
That strange Inglis cannot ken."

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