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Poster: Mack2357@aol.com

Saluti to the populace of Atlantia from Lady Julianna di Fiorentini, autocrat 
for HIDDEN MOUNTAIN BIRTHDAY FAIRE to be held one week hence, May 21 -23 at 
Cheraw State Park, Highway 52 South, Cheraw, SC.  As I write this missive, be 
aware that, although  there is adequate cabin space, the remaining feast 
space is limited.  You may reach the autocrat for questions or information at 
The at-door cost is $18 on-site / on-board; $12 off site /on board OR on site 
/ off board; $5 day trip (off site/off board).
Fun, frolic and fighting abound for this, her fifteenth Birthday!  There will 
be a Bear Pit Tourney followed by a Dragon Hunt.  Also a Rapier Tourney and a 
Target Archery shoot will take place.  Other activities include: A&S, Fool's 
Parade, children's activities, and more.  A sumptuous feast is being prepared 
by Rowan the Shiftless, after which there will be a Masquerade Ball, a Bardic 
circle around the fire, and...a new tradition, Midnight Bocce!
As the event is being held at a State Park, it is Absolutely Bone Dry!  No 
pets please.  
>From the North/South:  take InterKingdom Hwy 95 to exit 164 (Hwy 52 North).  
The site is 33.6 miles from the exit.  After 5 miles, turn left to take the 
52 bypass around Darlington.  In Society Hill (23.7 miles after the exit), 52 
bears left again.  The site is another 10 miles on your left.
>From Charlotte area:  Take Hwy 74 east to Monroe, turn South on Hwy 601 to 
Pageland, then East on Hwy 9 to Cheraw, where it jins up with Hwy 52 South.  
Approximately 2.5 miles south of Cheraw, you will come to a set of islands, 
Hwy 52 bears left, and anouther 1.5 miles on the right is the site (you will 
pass the main entrance and enter the Camping/Boating entrance).
>From Columbia area:  Take the InterKingdom Hwy 20 east toward Florence, exit 
at Camden (esit98) and go north on 601 until you reach Hwy 1, then turn right 
toward Cheraw.  Approx. 2 miles before you reach Cheraw, you will come to a 
set of islands, where you will turn right onto 52 South toward Society 
Hill/Darlington.  The site is 1.5 miles on the right, use the Camping/Boating 
entrance just past the main entrance.
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