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Today in Medieval History
Poster: Mark Mettler <mettler@bulloch.net>
Happy Birthday to...
In 1626 William II, Prince of Orange
May 27 - Gryffri sends greetings
On this day...
In 0735 Death of St. Bede "the Venerable"
In 0927 Death of Symeon, Czar of Bulgaria
In 1234 Stedinger Revolt crushed
In 1281 Flemish Earl Gwijde Dampierre takes financial responsibility
of Brugge
In 1328 French king Philip VI Valois crowned
In 1471 Election of Vadislau as King of Bohemia
In 1529 Khey-ad-Din Barbarossa completes his conquest of Algeria
In 1562 First successful European settlement in North America
founded on Parris Island, North Carolina
In 1564 Death of John Calvin
In 1608 Beigis Tod burned for witchcraft at Lang Nydrie, Scotland
Gryffri de Newmarch
Chronicler of Forth Castle - http://www2.gasou.edu/SCA/chronicler
of the Southern Creative Anachronists - http://www2.gasou.edu/SCA
Keeper of the Book - http://www2.gasou.edu/SCA/newmarchbook
"il est bon de frotter et limer notre cervelle contre celle d'autrui."
It is good to rub and polish our mind against those of others.
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