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Re: fighting
Poster: PAEmrys@aol.com
Fear not M'Lord. I do not know who 'warned' you about Charlotte fighter
practices but I am here to tell you that there are no worries about safety or
consideration when attending these practices. In fact the practice last
night was one of the best I've been to in a long while and I've been fighting
for over 7 years! As a female fighter who has more years(and miles) than I
care to admit safety is a major concern of mine. I drive 3 hours each way to
attend these practices as my local practice is unsatisfactory. I have never
had an injury, even to my considerable pride! I do not know who has done you
the dis-service of causing this confusion for you but I will say that the
majority of us in the SCA are good people and will take good care of you.
Come to practice next Wednessday and judge for yourself.
After you've gotten to know some more people and start to participate
more you will no longer be confused and can begin to enjoy the fighting
experience like the rest of us "stick jocks". Perhaps the person that
confused you is a non-fighter that doesn't understand the extraordinary
measures that we take to be safe while having a grand time beating on our
If I can be of assistance to you, on or off the feild, you have but to
In Service,
Baroness Prydain
(stick jock and loving it)
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