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Dance Practice reminder

Poster: SCAVard@aol.com

It's that time again!  Time to dust off your dancing shoes and come to 
Chesapeake Beach for our every-other-Sunday dance practice!!

Etain and I are back from the Known World Dance Symposium (KWDS) in the 
Barony of Shattered Crystal (Midrealm), and we CAN'T WAIT to share what we 
learned there with everybody here in Atlantia!

Practice is scheduled for June 6th (Sunday) from 1-3 pm at the Northeast 
Community Center in Chesapeake Beach, MD.  (CBMD is located along the western 
shore of the Chesapeake, about 20 miles south of Annapolis and 20 miles east 
of Washington).  As ever, information about our dance practices, lists of 
dances we're learned, and answers to as many frequently asked questions as I 
can remember can all be found on our web page.  That URL:


So if you're not going to any local events this weekend, or if like me you 
ARE (heck, it's only a short drive from Stierbach, isn't it?), you are 
cordially invited to join with us to kick up your heels and learn one of the 
most subtle, and enjoyable, of the performing arts.

(And we've got lots of pretty ladies too!)

Always the salesman, I remain as ever,
// Vard //

Lord Edvard Gayer, Chronicler
Barony of Dun Carraig, Atlantia
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