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Gulf Wars Camping

Poster: Janine H Sutter <jsutter@scotland.ces.state.nc.us>

Greetings!  I have a few questions I was wondering if someone could answer.  At
Gulf Wars, many of the other kingdoms have large areas where most of the people
from that Kingdom camp.  I realize that we generally have an area where the
royals are camping, but would it be possible to enlarge this area so that all
of the people from Atlantia could camp there?  This does not affect me since I
always bring the hounds and we are required to camp by the lake.  But, I can
think of several people who camped with other kingdoms or alone that had
traveled to war for Atlantia.  Any comments/suggestions?  In Service, Kari Kyst
Janine Honey Sutter
E-Mail  : jsutter@scotland
Internet: jsutter@scotland.ces.ncsu.edu
Phone   : 9102772422
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