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Schedule for Siege of Acre

Poster: Barbara Bilodeau <carthew@mindspring.com>

Good evening to all assembled here!
Below is the event schedule for the Siege of Acre.  I think you'll
notice that we have lots of fun stuff planned - certainly lot of
fighting, archery, and other entertainment. 

There are still a few places left on board, but please contact me soon
if you want space.  We still have some space left in the cabins also.  

For more information on the event, please see the Acorn or

There is a lot of excellent information on the history of Acre, around
which we've formed the event activities, which can be found at:

I hope to see you there!

5pm	Site opens

10:00	Authorizations (battle field)
10:30	Opening court (picnic pavilion) 
	Followed by King Richard’s arrival at the gates of Acre
11:30	Heavy weapons tournaments begin (battle field)
	3-list, double elimination challenge tournaments
Noon	Archery range opens and tournament begins
1:30	Heavy weapons fighting pauses
	Foot races (battle field)
2:00	Children’s boffer tournament (battle field)
2:30	Heavy weapons tournaments resume
5:30	Archery range closes
6:00	Feast (dining hall)
8:00	Hofla starts with dance performances
9:00	Bardic circle (camp fire)

8:00	Breakfast (dining hall)
9:00	Authorizations (battle field)
10:00	Siege battle  (melees)
	(siege activities will be simulated.  Please do not bring siege
1:45	Battle ends
2:00	Closing court
3:00	Site closes
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