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Re: Possible Restrictions on Reigns - FWD from the West List

Poster: Dave Montuori <damont@wolfstar.com>

>>I was talking with the chairman of the Grand Council last night, and we
>>discussed an idea which has been kicking about the council for quite
>>awhile--and that is placing restrictions on how often a man or woman may
>>serve as king or queen.... One proposal which is attracting the most
>>attention would work as follows.... after a second reign, the former
>>king/queen must wait two reigns before he/she may enter a crown list,
>>and if victorious, reign again.  After a third reign, the former
>>king/queen must wait three reigns before he/she may enter a crown list,
>>and possibly reign again. After a fourth reign, the former king/queen
>>must wait four reigns... and so on.

You know, this is the exact system that was proposed for the potential
Northern Atlantian Principality. (It was definitely the most popular among
the various ideas presented, as I recall.)

But you know, in all of Atlantia's twenty-odd year history as an entity,
if the "reign X times, wait X reigns" rule had been in place for that
entire time, only *one* fighter in Atlantia would ever have been affected
(in his case, twice).


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