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Re: ofcourtesy
Lady Susanna, you wrote:
> ---> & I say to you that there is no art to the simple. If a
> single-stitched hem falls to the floor, then she has sewn it
> exactly so that none might mistake her intent. A thread weaves its way
> in modest precision through cloth as words through meanings,
> binding in seam that which belongs together and snapping when
> stretched too tautly.
> If another's eyes brush her skirts aside, surely it is
> the stroke of some bright light in them and not the dull,
> scuffed leather of her boots which paints so imaginative a portrait.
> He who uncovers his canvas to sunlight only has no claim to
> clarity of vision; he underestimates the subtle strength of the common
> moon.
> In Service,
> Susanna Grey
Wit and art combine with fair memories of a lady dressed not only as a
glorious addition to court, adding delightful accent to the accolade of
her good friend Corbie with spirited rendition of French airs, but
armoured as defender of the honor and lands of noble Isenfir, or relaxing
as she goes about the merchants stalls securing gifts and trinkets for
those she holds dear. Mine eyes do not penetrate, nor would they dare,
cloth and leather, but rather note the passage beneath these of such comely
form that it more then hints of earthly treasures which, I fear due to my
estate and duties, I cannot partake but must, perforce, leave to others.
Even like these hints, are provided in this lady's manner, courtesy,
bearing, and song a glimpse beneath of a soul full of light and
goodness. In this I delight I can, as best I may, fully enjoy this
treasure. None can, nor would any I think be fool to, deny me
opportunity to partake in company and spirit of such. Her eyes, as the
poet said, are a window to this soul, and shine as does the sun that
grace my shield. Let said sun be my badge, proclaiming to all the honor
and esteem I hold this and all such ladies by whose goodness and courtesy
I find the courage to face this Known World, and if not yet to conquer,
still to strive to every be my best, that I might in turn be ready to
defend their name and honor against any so vile as to sully it.
> Let us continue this decorative banter on email, that others
> whose time allows no frolick, whose band dislikes much width,
> might have peace.
Lord Ellwood has asked that we might continue at Cheapside, rather then
withdraw, the continuation of this banter. If any wish that we cease
here, and take some private room at Merry Rose, with due chaperone of
course, let them direct their comments to me and I shall make such
arrangements. Otherwise I shall continue here, for good Ellwood's
education, and that of others, shall be forwarded by listening to Lady
Susanna's artful prose, and my more humble replies.
In Service
- References:
- ofcourtesy
- From: Susie Juroff <sej5g@curry.edschool.virginia.edu>