The Merry Rose Archive (by thread)
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Last update: Tue Jan 06 22:12:28 98
234 messages
Messages listed in order by thread. Listing format is the following:
- Subject,
(Date posted).
Followup messages are indented.
Re: Landi You are On!,
Mario M. Butter (01/02/95)
Historicity of "Pente",
Mike.Andrews (01/03/95)
Please respond.,
Jack Helm (01/03/95)
Gilling West Sword,
Shepherdss (01/04/95)
12th Night,
djaggard (01/05/95)
Any and Everything about 12th Night,
djaggard (01/05/95)
Re: University of Atlantia,
Lance Harrop (01/06/95)
Fun Stuff!,
djaggard (01/06/95)
Web site?,
francis (01/07/95)
dyeing cloth,
The Davidsons (01/08/95)
Dec. 16 Demo in Charlotte,
EoganmacL (01/08/95)
The Art of Tourney Combat (was RE:University of Atlantia),
djaggard (01/09/95)
Twelfth Night,
djaggard (01/09/95)
Does any one happen to know...,
chuck graves (01/09/95)
RE: ofcourtesy,
Thorpe, John (01/09/95)
that meeting on December 4th...,
Greg Lindahl (01/09/95)
event announcement: martinsburg wv, april 29,
Greg Lindahl (01/09/95)
Searching Library of Congress holds ings,
76THORSON (01/09/95)
Lunar New Year Announcement,
Phillip of Ghent (01/09/95)
William the Stout,
Wilsey, Marty (01/10/95)
Pennsic artwork ann.,
Elizabeth Urbanik (01/10/95)
Please Unsubscribe Me Soon,
Rachel Parmer (01/10/95)
The answers beg a question...,
chuck graves (01/10/95)
End of year report,
Jack Helm (01/10/95)
Atlantian brewing trivia,
chuck graves (01/10/95)
Brother Cadfael on PBS!!!,
Gregory Stapleton (01/10/95)
Games Tourney X,
Susie Juroff (01/10/95)
Henry's Mailbox,
Susie Juroff (01/10/95)
New Atlantian Address List,
Elizabeth Urbanik (01/11/95)
East Kingdom list,
Elizabeth Urbanik (01/11/95)
Re: that meeting on Decemb,
Lynn Pawelka (01/11/95)
Re: that meeting on December 4th,
Greg Lindahl (01/11/95)
Scott Nolan (01/11/95)
Elizabeth, Margaret, what's in a name?,
Dave Montuori (01/11/95)
Address correction...,
CPT Peter C. Barclay/Baron Terafan Greydragon (01/11/95)
Re: What Happened at Atlantian 12th Night? (northern),
Dave Montuori (01/12/95)
Spanish cookbooks,
chuck graves (01/12/95)
Tanner Lovelace (01/12/95)
But that was the EASY one...,
chuck graves (01/12/95)
Archery Reports,
Jonathan der Adler (01/12/95)
Spiff Happens Bumper Stickers,
Beary, Karen (01/12/95)
Acrobatics and vocabulary,
76THORSON (01/12/95)
RE: Stierbach Water versus Windmaster's Brew,
Hick Steve (01/13/95)
Spanish Cookbooks,
djaggard (01/13/95)
Mebane / Chapel Hill area SCA?,
many waters cannot quench love (01/13/95)
Lady's Day Tourney on 4/29,
IsaboGower (01/13/95)
[LONG] Grosvenor Lecture Series,
Karen Elisa Green (01/14/95)
Beornhards address is needed....,
John Tangent /o (410 (01/14/95)
It's time for ... WORDS!!!,
Karen Elisa Green (01/16/95)
[ EXLIBRIS Digest - 7 Jan 1995 to 8 Jan 1995 (fwd)],
John Strauss (01/16/95)
I'm Back,
John Strauss (01/16/95)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: I'm Back,
John Tangent /o (410 (01/17/95)
Corun MacAnndra (01/17/95)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Auditions,
John Tangent /o (410 (01/17/95)
Lochmere Dancing Event,
sjvn (01/17/95)
Guilds (SCA or Medieval),
kuijt (01/17/95)
Midieval Bestiaries,
EoganmacL (01/17/95)
12th. night ballad,
Raesia (01/18/95)
A question on cordiall waters...,
chuck graves (01/18/95)
Re: Medieval Bestiaries,
76THORSON (01/18/95)
BoD Shenanigans: The Modest Proposal,
Tom Bilodeau (01/18/95)
The Weather Up There,
John Strauss (01/18/95)
Lunar New Year snafu,
IsaboGower (01/18/95)
George Mason-tonight or next week??,
Hick Steve (01/18/95)
Re: Lunar New Year snafu...URGENT,
chuck graves (01/19/95)
COSTUMING: Period-Looking Jewels!!! :),
Meli ferch Iasper (01/19/95)
Gaelic Dictionaries,
EoganmacL (01/22/95)
CGodfrey10 (01/23/95)
Volunteers needed: Coronation,
Elizabeth Urbanik (01/23/95)
Michael P Johnson (01/23/95)
SCAAADB Archery Reports for 1994.,
Jonathan der Adler (01/23/95)
Auditions again,
Corun MacAnndra (01/24/95)
Ponte Alto Baronial Birthday,
MageSteve (01/24/95)
Fight Practice @ GMU,
Karen Elisa Green (01/24/95)
Re: Kingdome of Storvik,
Dave Montuori (01/25/95)
Needlework Exhibit,
Kim.Salazar (01/25/95)
University Atlantia,
Corun MacAnndra (01/25/95)
Re: Guilds (SCA or Medieval)...rather lengthy 8^),
chuck graves (01/25/95)
EoganmacL (01/25/95)
Ponte Alto is a Year Older,
MageSteve (01/25/95)
More University,
Corun MacAnndra (01/26/95)
Is this happening to anyone else?,
chuck graves (01/26/95)
If not to Guild . . .,
Michelle Ringo (01/26/95)
Non Deliverable Mail,
Corun MacAnndra (01/26/95)
Re: The Utility of Guilds,
Brian Flynn (01/26/95)
Quick question...,
Wilbur Jessica Crossman (01/26/95)
Ice Castle: Weather update,
Tom Brady (01/27/95)
Re: Unsubscribing old addresses,
Alan Davis (01/27/95)
"Once Upon A Time",
Jailbait (01/27/95)
To FAQ or not to FAQ,
Corun MacAnndra (01/27/95)
(Forwarded) SCA: Tourney of Ymir, 2.18.95,
Laurie Kovaleski (01/27/95)
Rencester's climate,
Dave Montuori (01/27/95)
Karen Elisa Green (01/27/95)
SCA Guilds?,
HaMizrachi (01/28/95)
An Old Earl...,
CPT Peter C. Barclay/Baron Terafan Greydragon (01/28/95)
Bestiaries- Real Poop,
EoganmacL (01/29/95)
Heraldry Questions,
pnh0jmb (01/29/95)
HaMizrachi (01/29/95)
A Pennsic Project,
Corun MacAnndra (01/30/95)
[ Broadside of a Board II-2],
John (Francis (01/30/95)
Gaelic Dictionary,
Michael Houghton (01/30/95)
What is "the sweating sickness"?,
Philip S. Dean (Scott) (01/30/95)
Broadside of a Board II-2,
Flieg Hollander (01/30/95)
Re: the sweating sickness,
76THORSON (01/30/95)
Re[again]: An Old Earl...,
Kim.Salazar (01/31/95)
The evil P-word: GEOGRAPHY,
Dave Montuori (01/31/95)
Re[again again]: An Old Earl...,
Kim.Salazar (01/31/95)
Re: The Evil P-word,
kuijt (01/31/95)
Blizzard Castle II,
Scott Burke (02/11/95)

The Merry Rose Archive