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Re: Non Deliverable Mail

On Thu, 26 Jan 1995, Corun MacAnndra wrote:

> Unto Saaral and the Kendrick, Keeper of the List, greetings.
> I have been getting lots of the following messages;
> ======================= begin message ===================================
> From Gateway@csgi.com Wed Jan 25 02:00:29 1995
> Received: from svcs1.digex.net by nfs1.digex.net with SMTP id AA27171
>   (5.67b8/IDA-1.5 for <corun@access.digex.net>); Wed, 25 Jan 1995 02:00:28 -0500
> Received: from csgi.com by svcs1.digex.net with SMTP id AA22075
>   (5.67b8/IDA-1.5 for <corun@access.digex.net>); Wed, 25 Jan 1995 02:00:26 -0500
> Date: Wed, 25 Jan 95 01:57:50 
> From: Gateway@csgi.com (Gateway)
> Organization: digitalNATION D.C.
> Subject: NDN: Auditions again
> To: corun@access.digex.net
> Message-Id: <-1421123426.ensmtp@csgi.com>
> X-Mailer: ExpressNet/SMTP v1.1
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Status: RO
> Sorry. Your message could not be delivered to:
> Otelio S. Randall II (The name was not found at the remote site. Check that
> the name has been entered correctly.)
> =========================== end message ==========================
> Is there a problem with Saaral's address at the List source? Is Saaral
> getting anything from the List? Could Saaral have two addresses on the
> List, one valid and one invalid? And what about Mary Lou? IMWTK!
> In service,
> Corun
> -- 
> ===============================================================================
>    Corun MacAnndra   | Enlightenment is not so much making it to Never Never
>  Dark Horde by birth |  Land through the secret passageway. It's more like
>    Moritu by choice  |   getting off your tail and doing something. - S.Gaskin

For a while, I was receiving the net at three different email addresses.  
The randalo@iia.org and the Otelio_Sye_Randall_II@csgi.com are no longer 
receiving the list, and are invalid.  the saaral@dcez.com is the only 
valid address for me.

