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RE: Stierbach Water versus Windmaster's Bre

Syr Strykar wrote:

> > The fame of Stierbach water comes from the original creation of Steirbach,
> > and it's first event.  At least 5 couples, attending this event, from both
> > Atlantia and the East, were gifted with babes in the following year.  This
> > was, at a minimum, the families of his Grace Bertrand, his Excellency
> > Reinard, myself, one of Siegfried's squires and Anthony of Steorbach.
> > 
To which, Lady Janina Krakowska replied

> I would like to add that I was the fifth member of that illustrious 
> group, and I have possession of a wonderful image of all five of us 
> taking the pleasant _Storvik_ sun at this event.  Although Steirbach now 
> is within the bounds of our good neighbor Ponte Alto, at the time it was 
> something in the Storvik water that all needed pay heed to.
> Writ this also pleasant day in Storvik
> Janina
My dear Lady I fear you do not go out enough these days.  The vast, 
though sparse lands of the Shire of Stierbach are not now, nor have they 
ever been, part of Storvik nor Ponte Alto.  I hold my warrant as 
Seneschal directly from the King, and serve no Baron for these lands, nor 
ever has any of my predescessors.  'Tis true that when this Shire was 
formed, Baroness Elaina did think it but a Canton of Ancient Storvik.  
She was, I hoped, disbused of this false notion, as should have been all 
others who held it.  That gifted water that you did drink, I hold, was 
Stierbach Water (TM), and we hold you in great esteem for discovering its 

I fear many will round upon you about this matter, for many Stierbachi do 
frequent the Merry Rose, or walk amoungst the stalls of Cheapside.  But 
let any who read my words first let these surfice as our joint reply, and 
all note that Stierbach is a free and loyal Shire held directly by the Crown.

In service
Leifr Johansson
Shire of Stierbach