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Unto the patrons of the Merry Rose does Corun send greetings.
This is a notice to all actors and all actor wannabes. The Not Ready For
Prime, Tierce or Sept Players is holding auditions for its next major
production, and we want and need all interested actors.
On Thursday, January 26 starting at 7pm at the home of Corun MacAnndra
in Takoma Park, we will be holding auditions for That Scottish Play by
William Shakespeare. We will need any and all actors with an interest
in Shakespeare in the immediate Storvik/Ponte Alto area. This includes
Rochesbury Mill and Steirbach. Anyone living in Lochmere, Bright Hills,
Highland Foorde or Dun Carraig who feels they can make rehearsals at
least one night a week from February to November, when we will give our
performance, are encouraged to audition. Knowing how difficult it is to
get a random group of Scadians to meet on the same night of the week for
a period of some months, I caution you to think hard about it. At this
time there is no plan to perform this at Pennsic, though that could change.
Also, the rehearsal schedule will be once a week only at first. As we get
closer to performance we will have more rehearsals.
For more information, call Corun at 301-445-5442. No calls after 10pm (I
get up at 5am and am real grumpy that late at night). Or email me here.
In service,
Corun MacAnndra | Enlightenment is not so much making it to Never Never
Dark Horde by birth | Land through the secret pasageway. It's more like
Moritu by choice | getting off your tail and doing something. - S.Gaskin