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Re: SCA Guilds?

Wrote Yaakov:

>I also think that we have a problem with  a mentality that says
>that anyone who wants to do something on a regular basis needs
>to have a guild or an office to organize it.

I'm afraid I'm kind of speaking as a Young Fart again ... but why is this 
a problem, pray tell?  I'm interested in getting a permanent SCA group 
going here at GMU -- is it a problem that we're getting that done?  If I 
can ever find other individuals interested in quilling, where lieth the 
problem in organizing some sort of guild to share findings in period 
designs, or modern sources for quilling-paper?

I hope that none shall interpret these my feeble questions as a flame, 
for I am but a Young Fart and know not of such problems ...

Yours in Service to the Dream,

Karen Larsdatter med det Usigelige Efternavn fra Skyggedal

7 TO 10 PM
HEAVY WEAPONS, LIGHT WEAPONS, AND DANCE (if I remember my boom box & 
tapes this week)