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Re: SCA Guilds?

Dafydd wrote:

>Creating a "guild" implies having a "membership" and often (usually) a

Ah.  Perhaps this is why I have never been involved in a guild.  :)

By the way, I realize that in my previous message, I never explicity 
stated that I am interested in quilling, and was wondering if anyone else 
either did quilling or was interested in learning it -- or had a good 
source for quilling-paper in this area.  (Quilling is an art involving 
coiling colored paper strips and shaping the coils and attacing them to 
each other or to a base paper; it's fairly simple, and I remember doing 
it often as a child.  I've seen quilling done [outside of SCA] as an 
alternative dimensional illumination or as a filigree-like jewelry; my 
two favorite pieces that I've made are a turtle smaller than a quarter 
and a toadstool smaller than a dime, both three-dimensional freesculpture 

>Issues of flaming young farts I shall leave to the imagination.

Perhaps, Dafydd, this is why Leifr has called me "Karen the Dangerous."  ;)

Yours in Service to the Dream,

Karen Larsdatter med det Usigelige Efternavn fra Skyggedal
          See that?  "Datter."  Not "dottir."  I'm a Dane, not a Swede.
          *snif* I'm _so_ misunderstood ... ;)