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Archery Reports

Is anyone interesting in receiving soft copies of the Atlantian Archery Royal 
Round rankings, Atlantian IKAC top scores for each archer, etc. 
If so, let me know as I am the one with the database known as SCAAADB - SCA 
Atlantian Archery DataBase and would be more than happy to share the info. 
Jonathan der Adler                                  /| 
Keeper of the Atlantian Archery Lists              /  \      A 
                                                  /    \     R 
jdalexan@us.oracle.com                           /      |    C 
cddn66a@prodigy.com                             |-------|--  H 
                                                 \      |    E 
                                                  \    /     R 
                                                   \  /      Y 
                                                    \|       !