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[jlhoh1@mail.wm.edu: EXLIBRIS Digest - 7 Jan 1995 to 8 Jan 1995 (fwd)]

    ================= Begin forwarded message =================

    From: jlhoh1@mail.wm.edu (hoh jennifer l)
    To: isenfir@virginia.edu
    Subject: EXLIBRIS Digest - 7 Jan 1995 to 8 Jan 1995 (fwd)
    Date: Mon, 09 Jan

    This is kinda long and esoteric, but may be of interest to those of you 
    into illustration etc., as well as persons interested in medical and 
    herbal texts of the era  (in other words, yet another message 
    Ginevra didn't quite know what to do with but figured it was to good to 
    auto-delete) There are apparently quite a few illustrated 
    medieval items out there in the US, and this will get you a listing of 
    where they are and what pictures are in them...
    If you're interested, I suggest you copy this and take it to your local 
    library's bibliographer for acquisition...
    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    > Date:    Fri, 06 Jan 95 14:49 PST
    > To:      Mark I and YVON                      <IJA4MHI@MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU>
    > From:    Mark I and YVON                      <IJA4MHI@MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU>
    > ---------------------------------------------------------
    >                                               @
    > AVAILABLE FOR IMPORT ---                    //
    > MARC RECORDS                              //
    > OF EARLY MEDICAL PICTURES TO 1500       //
    >                                  _____//_______
    >       ___________               //  @@       //|
    >        \       /              //  @@@       //#|
    >         |     |             //____________//  #|
    >        /-------\           |#            #|#  /
    >      /           \         |#            #|# /
    >     |             |        |#____________#|/
    >     |             |
    >     \            /
    >      \          /
    >       \_______/     <Urine flask and ointment box
    >                -- medieval images of medicine and surgery>
    >     -------------    ------------   --------------
    > IMMI announces the availability of almost 1800 MARC-
    > formatted records. Maintainers of bibliographic databases will be
    > particularly interested in this material.
    > The staff of IMMI (the Index of Medieval Medical Images in
    > North America) has been working for several years to make
    > the pictorial resources in North American Collections of
    > medieval manuscripts more readily available to scholars,
    > educators, media experts and anyone else interested in the
    > early history of Western medicine. The items described and
    > cataloged reside in more than forty collections throughout
    > North America. This work, based at UCLA, has been supported
    > by grant #LM-04868 from the National Library of Medicine,
    > and the Ahmanson Foundation.
    > Potential users should consult their local bibliographical
    > serv- ices about loading the records. Their use requires an
    > interface that will display and search MARC-formatted
    > material. Only a few PC-based programs are designed to dis-
    > play and search MARC databases. However, MARC remains the
    > format of preference for most large institutional and
    > university databases such as ORION at UCLA. The IMMI project
    > at UCLA used MINARET, from Cactus Software Inc., for creat-
    > ing, storing and searching its MARC records. The IMMI
    > records take up no more than 5 megabytes in a functioning
    > MARC database.
    > MARC (Machine Readable Cataloging) was developed some 30
    > years ago to code cataloging data such as titles, notes, description,
    > subject terms, and series.  The IMMI records make innovative
    > use of these 3-digit codes.
    > IMMI is not a finished work. Updates containing revised
    > records and additional records will be available peri-
    > odically.
    > We require a nominal user fee <$50> in addition to $5
    > shipping and handling. Records imported from the database should
    > include a line of acknowledgment in the form:
    > IMMI (the Index of Medieval Medical Images in North
    > America), supported by NLM project grant #LM-04868 and by the Ahmanson
    > Foundation.
    > To receive a brochure in the form of a model "User's Guide"
    > to the records, contact: Ynez Viole' O'Neill at: ph   310 825-4933
    >          fax  310 206-5351
    >          e-mail ija4mhi@mvs.oac.ucla.edu
    > To order, send three DOS-formatted 3 1/2" (2-sided, high-
    > density) disks and a check for $55.00 (US) made out to REGENTS OF UC.
    > The address:
    >      Professor Ynez Viole' O'Neill (IMMI)
    >      Rm 73-235 CHS, UCLA School of Medicine
    >      Los Angeles, CA 90095-1763
    >             ^
    >          < \!/ <
    >        <  \ !/   <
    >       <   \ !/    <
    >      <    \ !/     <
    >      <    \ !/     <
    >       <   \ !/    <
    >        <  \ !/   <
    >         ^^^|||^^^
    >            |||
    >            |||
    > <The IMMI collection contains
    > hundreds of records on
    > herbal illustrations.>
    > ------------------------------------------------------------
    > ----

--------- John Strauss     gc429@cleveland.freenet.edu ---------
University Atlantia #38 is April 8th at Rencester on the William
and Mary Campus. Taking class proposals immediately. Taking bids
for UA #39 on July 1st.  - Henry Best, Chancellor, U of Atlantia