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Blizzard Castle II

unto the populace of Atlantia, good morn:

For those of you who journeyed far into the depths of Black Diamond for the
celebration of Ice Castle XIV, your visits were most welcomed.  
Unfortunately, the Lady of the Mountains determined that the seneschal's 
request for flurries was insufficient, and sent a veritable deluge instead.

Shortly after the authorizations were complete, and both the rapier and 
heavy tourneys were under way, the Sheriff sent a representative to 
advise His Excellency that the roads within his county were still 
passable, but that no such claim could be guaranteed for the adjoining 
counties.  As a matter of fact, all travellers who must needs keep a 
tight schedule, where advised to journey early.

It came to pass that the tourneys were rapidly completed, (the names of 
the victors escape me completely -- but a vivant to those hearty 
gentles). Court was held, and acting under the direction of His Majesty 
Thorbrandr, several Awards of Arms were delivered.  ( Due to the weather, 
Their Majesties were not able to complete the trip.)  Several Baronial 
awards were made, and the hall adjourned to miscellany until the feast.

By this time, the snow had settled to about 2 inches, the plows were in 
constant motion.  Many gentles departed, seeking sure safety and warmth.  
They were certainly missed.  The event went from about 200 gentles to 
slightly more than 50 (if I overheard the autocrat right) so the feast 
became quite an cozy event.

Upon my departure from the site, at 11pm, there was almost 4 inches of 
snow in the parking lot, and still slowly more coming.  Between 
Blacksburg and Pearisburg 460 was generally passable, tho only one lane.  
My steed has power in all four of his feet, this was useful in some spots.

Upon arising Sunday, the snow was still coming down.  The plows were 
nearly overwhelmed.  Generally only one lane open, even that subject to 
filling.  I-81 North was wet, snowy, reduced visibilty until Roanoke, at 
which point the visibility improved.  Not until nearly 50 miles north of 
Roanoke was I able to reach a full trot again.

To all those who departed for safer havens saturday, it was a wise move.  
I noted several mishaps on the roads, and god willing, none were any of 
you. My schedule was quite open and flexible, and a good thing, as there 
was every possibility that travel may have been quite difficult.

Godspeed, and I shall see you again shortly.
