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Steirbach or Storvik water?

Greetings to Lord Leifer and others here assembled.

M'lord, you are right when you say I been gone too long.  In particular, 
I have never had more than the slightest interest in political geography, 
just enough to find my way to gathers of good folk as yourselves.  I 
believe I really preferred the concept of a 'Charter Barony' which had no 
bounds, and you were a member if you wanted to be (a paraphrase to be 
sure, but describes how I felt about it).

I meant no insult to any who feel their identity was slighted.  At the 
time in question (can it really be nearly 13 years ago?) most of us were 
Storviki and the then current phrase was that something was in the 
Storvik water.  I know I did not drink any Steirbach water until far past 
when it would have had any effect.

Now, these fine, upstanding 2nd generation gentles are of an age for 
fostering or serving at Court.  They are possibly too big for pages 
(chapters maybe?) and I am introducing Amber to the joys of service to her 
Barony and Kingdom.  She is becoming adept in the kitchen, the herald's 
table, and working with artisans whose skill interests her.  Maybe we 
could organize them into an attendant group for service during courts.  
Being up close and personal may help interest them in learning more about 
their persona, rather than just playing dress-up.  Just a thought.

I hope all are enjoying our unseasonable weather, for winter has not 
played its full hand and we may yet endure its full force before the 
coming of spring.

In service ( and re-surfacing after a long hiatus)
Janina Krakowska