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Re: Acrobatics

Greetings to those gathered here at Cheapside, and especially to
Meli ferch Iasper, who writes:

> On Thu, 12 Jan 1995 kuijt@umiacs.UMD.EDU wrote:
	> I'm looking for interest, but even more, 
	> I'm looking for people that will volunteer to do something.
	> We're going to try to do a few classes at University 
	> this time, so if you're not sure about this, feel free to come 
	> to  University and take a class(es) there.  I think this has 
	> good potential and would be something fun for people to do.
>Oh--and many, many congratulations to you and your lady over your impending 
>nuptials!  May you have a long and happy life together, with just enough 
>arguements to help you grow, and lots of really neat blessings and prosperity 
>to help you enjoy the growth!

A fine sentiment, Meli, but all the stuff you cite was written by someone
else (I believe tanner@lovelace [kendrick]) not by me (kuijt@umiacs: Dafydd).
