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Ice Castle: Weather update

Greetings unto the Merry Rose!

Black Diamond seems to have developed a reputation for specially importing,
um, "interesting" weather for our events. This weekend is no exception. The
weather forecast for tonight and Saturday in the New River Valley
(encompassing both Blacksburg and the site in Pearisburg, VA) is the following:
Rain/freezing rain/sleet/snow developing early Friday night - lows in the
20's Possible accumulation of stuff: 1-2 inches
Saturday - Freezing rain/sleet/snow possibly changing to all rain by the end
of the day. Highs in the mid-30's. Total accumulations: 1-3 inches.

For those of you unfamiliar with the area, you should know that Pearisburg
lies a few mountains to the west of Blacksburg (and Blacksburg lies a few
mountains from just about everywhere else). While the roads to Blacksburg
and Pearisburg are all 4-lane primary routes (i.e. cleared quickly), the
roads could get sloppy.
The Commonwealth of Virginia runs a 24-hour road condition hotline you can
call - (800) 367-7623.

We would love to see you all at our event. BUT it isn't worth risking any
ill fortune. If you are uncomfortable driving in winter weather, or if your
vehicle might not be up to the task, please take the above into account.

To the best of my (very unofficial) knowledge, the event will go on as long
as we can get to the site (shouldn't be a problem). If you have ANY
questions regarding the event, I urge you to call the autocrat, Lady
Magdalena Kestrel (Melanie Dietrich) at (703) 552-7410. If you find no
answer there, try calling the head cook, Lady Sorcha de Glys (Shannon Giles)
at (703) 953-3114.

As an aside, should anyone be in Blacksburg and need crash space, I can take
in 3-4 folks. You can reach me at (703) 961-6238. If I'm not home, leave a
message - I check them remotely frequently.

Best regards to all, and looking forward to seeing old friends,
Duncan MacKinnon / Tom Brady
Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia
Tom Brady, P.O. Box 450, Blacksburg, VA 24063-0450   SCA: Duncan MacKinnon
  "You can't wring your hands and push up your sleeves at the same time."
               -Rep. Patricia Schroeder, January 4, 1995