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Re: An Old Earl...

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    : barclayp@bragg-emh3.army.mil_at_INTERNET at ~X400
     The gracious Baron Terafan writes to Earl Daffyd:
>However if your excellency would like us to start considering you OLD (but not 
>ancient and venerable like Gyrth) WE CAN ACCOMMADATE YOU.
     Personally, I find references to his Grace, Duke Gyrth as being "old" 
     and "ancient" distressing.  In a way, I'm his Grandmother, and I'm far 
     from old.  
     p.s.:  This does imply a certain paradox because (by the same logic) 
     Duke Frederick of Holland, is my son, and is widely known to pre-date 
     dirt.  Yet I am also younger than he.