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dyeing cloth

Unto those good gentles that were interested in textiles, and dyeing cloth, 
natural dyes, as well as anyone interested in spinning and weaving, there is 
a (non-SCA) lady in North Carolina that grows her own sheep, and has 
supplies. She also gives classes, but I don't know how much if any fee she 
charges. She has weaving and dyeing supplies, and great fleeces. Contact 
Merike at Carolina Homespun - 
1-703-957-1174. I do not do these myself, but Lady Eiluned of Anglesey, who 
has an Order of the Pearl in textiles, speaks very highly of her classes and 
I hope this is of help, Rosalind
- Rosalind Jehanne of Paradox Keep
  Or, a Rose Gules, in Chief Three Suns Or