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A question on cordiall waters...

Tadhg writes:

>     Last fall, I was introduced to remarkable maker of cordials from the 
>     southern East Kingdom. At that time, she gave me the recipe for a most 
>     remarkable milk cordial--Bainnecker. 
>     I believe she is in the Harrisburg, PA, area.)

That's where I am.  Do you remember her name? If not, I can ask

|John (Francis) Stracke | My opinions are my own. | PGP public key available |
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|Mechanicsburg, PA      | No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between   |
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  Francois Thibault          AFP of PA!       Shire of the Blak Rose (East)
  Argent, a cock gules, and, on a chief sable, three standing stones argent