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Re: nothing like the sun
Lady Susanna, you wrote:
> I intended no slander; the sun seems the rightful lens
> of those whose view of the world lies in the distinct and
> unmistakable.
For sure I forgive you then. Whilst true the sun is a lens of those who
would rightfully see the world, ever must one beware of its overpowering
light, which may bedazzle the unwary, and leave one as blind as cloud
shrouded night.
> The grand beauty of the eagle is due in part to
> the proud definition of his varying feathers, outstretched to
> enfold all Atlantia, rising like Icarus, charging toward and
> emblazoned with the glory of the powerful sun.
Ah, what dangerous comparison is this, to liken my azure eagle with
daring Icarus. Never would I be so bold as to draw so nigh to the sun,
least it melt the wax of my self-confidence, and cast me down from the
height, to lie in the ruin of my wounded pride. Better to circle at a
distance the fair sun of Atlantian beauties, basking in the warmth
thereof, but never to be burned by the bright fires of their closer selves.
And while I would never claim to enfold all Atlantia, I would seek, like
the eagle, to overview it all, that it I might fairly ever treat, and not
confine my vistas to such ground as I might trod, landbound.
> > 'Tis the moon that gives false light
> > which leads to imaginings and confusion...
> > ...the fault of treachous light...
> Think you not that she, like her brighter brother, has
> truth to report which cannot be sung in his voice? Do not all
> eyes when first seeking out her dark demense find the world
> awash in muted tones with which they are unfamiliar?
The truth of the moon is this. By its lesser light, one is forced to
draw nearer the object of one's scrutiney, and in so doing, one might
discover the deeper truths and beauties that, in the suns harsh light,
are hidden by an outer shell less comely or soft then to which a man might
first incline. Its muted tones give good service then, and a man should
never fear to walk within its light. For 'tis the deeper beauty the is
eternal, the outer shell, inclined to lose it attraction.
> (Natural,
> I suppose, for man to mistrust when he must adjust to
> understand.)
Why then, would not man always need mistrust the fairer sex?
> The fabric against which she dances ripples with subtle
> shading. If an observer is willing (with faith and imagination
> as well as by those means sensual), he may be inspired by that
> which he would otherwise overlook.
Ah, but oft inspiration comes whether we will it or no. Thus is the
power of the Muse.
> > true it is that I'll defend those fair of heart, both name and honor and
> > needs it, person, though t'would be no pain, indeed, to defend those also
> > so fair of form.
> Assuredly, a comfort to all ladies, whose fairness of
> form shifts (as shade around a sundial) in like proportion to a
> lord's concept of fair. We would none of us, gentle lord,
> care to bring you pain.
Pain, dear Lady, is a duty to be borne by those who, whether for Kingdom
or for the fair regard of one they hold dear, take up arms and stand
betwix that they would defend and the dangers which imperal the same. Be
assured I will accept such pains as courtesy and duty do bring me,
however it may be wished upon myself.
- Follow-Ups:
- above me
- From: Susie Juroff <sej5g@curry.edschool.virginia.edu>