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(Forwarded) SCA: Tourney of Ymir, 2.18.95

Forwarded message:
To: laurie_kovaleski@ncsu.edu
From: "Laurie Kovaleski"  <NUDVLLK@peele.bas.ncsu.edu>
Organization: N.C. State University
Date:         18 Jan 95 17:09:54 EST
Subject:      SCA: Tourney of Ymir, 2.18.95
Priority:     normal

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------

To:            laurie_Kovaleski@ncsu.edu
From:          "Laurie Kovaleski"  <NUDVLLK@peele.bas.ncsu.edu>
Organization:  N.C. State University
Date:          18 Jan 95 17:03:43 EST
Subject:       SCA: Tourney of Ymir, 2.18.95
Priority:      normal

The autocrat wishes to apologize for the time & space being used. Due
to technical problems the flyer for the Tournry of Ymir may not
appear in the febuary issue of _The_Acorn_. Please pass event
information on to anyone that will listen.

See you there. (or in Valhalla)

In service,

Lady Brigid of Linnhe
   For the autocrat
Lord Mikhail Kazimirozich Pomeshanov


                 Tourney of Ymir - Febuary 18, 1995

    The Barony of Windmaster's Hill would like to invite one and all
to The Tourney of Ymir.
    Ragnarok is upon us. It is time for all warriors to sharpen
their swords, don their armor, and prepare for the coming battles
with the forces of destruction. Odin must stay in Asgard to protect
the home of the gods. Thor has already begun to battle Surtr and his
minons on the Rainbow Bridge. We need a champion to lead our army to
victory. Only the strongest warior can be that leader. And so, a
battle must be fought to determine who is to be our champion, as is
Norse tradition. Fear not, mortals. If Odin smiles upon our efforts,
there will be much fighting. Valhalla awaits all who wish it. To die
in battle only to live again and fight another time is the dream of
every true warrior.

    Arts & Sciences competitions will be held. The areas include;
        * Best Norse Persona ( an all day competition)
        * Best Norse Story or Song/Poem
        * Best Norse Item (static display)
    Be prepares o show documentation

    Combat includes;
        * Heavy - A Double Elimination Tourney
        * Duello - A Double Elimination Tourney
        * Archery - IKAC Shoot
    Also Knife & Ax Throwing

At the end of the day, a sumptuousfeast, prepared by Tristian the
Pirate, will be served. This feast is _mostly_meat_, but dishes for
vegetarians are being prepared. Any dietary concerns should be
addressed to the autocrat (see below).

Merchants are welcome. Please conect the autocrat for further details.

A resveration paid is a resveration made. Feast & cabin space is
limited, so make those resverations early! Please make checks payable
to Canton of Elvegast/SCA Inc.
   Day Trip  $3.00     Off Board $6.00      On Board $11.00
   Non-member surcharge of $3.00 will be added to above prices

   Send Resverations to: Lady Deoca of Elegast
                         % Jenny Granger
                         5708-28 Windlestraw Dr
                         Durham, NC   27713
   By e-mail;  jennyg@env.duke.edu

Any other special concerns should be addressed to the autocrat as
soon as possible.
                    Lord Mikhail K. Pomeshanov
                    % Shane Brewer
                    204 Albert St
                    Wilson, NC 27893
   By e-mail;  nia_rogers@ncsu.edu

Directions: Grab a map, (NC maps are provided free at rest areas on
the inside of the NC border). Take your best route to Hwy 1 near
Raleigh. Hwy 1 is accessible from I-95 & I/85.
>From I-85: Go south on Hwy 1 to the exit for Hwy 98. Travel west
(turn right) approximately 2.3 miles to Camp Kanata Rd, on the right.
Follow to Camp Kanata entrance on the right.
>From I-95/I-40: Go north on Hwy 1 to the exit for Hwy 98(left turn).
Travel approximately 2.3 miles to Camp Kanata Rd, on the right.
Follow to the Camp Kanata entrance on the right.