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Re[5]: An Old Earl...

          >(Here follows a note of minor historical interest)
          >Wait a minute, Your Excellency -- who was teenaged after you 
          >and the noble Don Fernando?
          All health and glory to her Grace, the gentle Melisande from 
          According to Vissevald (who during his second reign, enacted 
          the East Kingdom law limiting fighting to 18s-and-over) there 
          was one last one after us.  
          He made a loophole in the law that in effect said that 
          fighters who had participated in previous Crowns as under-18s 
          were exempt and could continue to fight before their 18th 
          He calls this the "Hanno Law", so I assume it was Hanno who 
          went on to win a Crown before his 20th birthday.  
          All this happened during the 12 years I was away in Mundania, 
          so I'm not too sure about it all.
          As an aside, I think the youngest Eastern King was Akbar, who 
          I seem to recall hearing was 16 when he won his first Crown.  
          Asbjorn was 19 at his first.  Akbar, Asbjorn, Fernando, Hanno 
          - I don't think there were any others.
          Involuntarily consigned to be "Older than Dirt(tm)"