The Merry Rose Archive (by thread)
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Last update: Wed Jan 07 19:30:15 98
536 messages
Messages listed in order by thread. Listing format is the following:
- Subject,
(Date posted).
Followup messages are indented.
Re[4]: An Old Earl...,
Carol O'Leary (02/01/95)
Re: The Evil P-word,
Lance Harrop (02/01/95)
Re: The Evil P-word,
Jeffrey Sussman (02/01/95)
RE: The Evil P-word,
Buck, Richard (02/01/95)
re: The Evil P-word,
John Strauss (02/02/95)
Re: Re[again again]: An Old Earl...,
H L. Falls (02/01/95)
Dirt - was An Old Earl,
Kim.Salazar (02/01/95)
Second call for auditions,
Corun MacAnndra (02/01/95)
RE: Geography,
djaggard (02/01/95)
Re[2]: Re[again]: An Old Earl...,
chuck graves (02/01/95)
Principalities etc.,
Jeffrey Sussman (02/01/95)
David Kuijt (02/01/95)
Re: the sweating sickness,
Michael P Johnson (02/01/95)
re: The P-Word (kind of long),
djaggard (02/01/95)
Principality discussion moratorium (was Re: Principalities etc.),
Alan Davis (02/01/95)
Arms passage,
Jack Helm (02/01/95)
Re: Atlantian History,,
wklosky (02/01/95)
Daniel M. Martyniuk (02/01/95)
Mailing list archived,
Tanner Lovelace (02/01/95)
Re: Bestiaries- Real Poop,
Sherna Comerford (02/01/95)
Reasons pro/con the P-word,
Dave Montuori (02/01/95)
Re: Atlantian History,
Tom Brady (02/02/95)
Re: Atlantian History,
wklosky (02/02/95)
Re: Atlantian History,
wklosky (02/02/95)
Re[2]: Atlantian History,
Kim.Salazar (02/06/95)
Row Row Row An Old Earl...,
Nik Hughes (02/02/95)
Re: Borders,
Mark Schuldenfrei (02/02/95)
Luncheons This Month?,
Meli ferch Iasper (02/02/95)
Re: Strykar's Hair (was Re: Atlantian History),
wklosky (02/02/95)
Greetings to House ap Gwystl!,
many waters cannot quench love (02/02/95)
Before Stew,
EoganmacL (02/02/95)
Day at the Castle - Demo,
Lisa Talley (02/02/95)
Re: Principality discussion moratorium,
chuck graves (02/02/95)
Next BOD Meeting,
chuck graves (02/02/95)
Re: Ponte Alto Baronial Birthday,
Mario M. Butter (02/02/95)
Re: Ponte Alto Baronial Birthday,
Mario M. Butter (02/03/95)
Ponte Alto Baronial Birthday,
John [Francis] Stracke (02/06/95)
Ponte Alto Baronial Birthday,
John (Francis (02/03/95)
Re: Ponte Alto Baronial Birthday,
Lance Harrop (02/03/95)
Re: Ponte Alto Baronial Birthday,
Mark Schuldenfrei (02/03/95)
Leap Years and the Year 2000 C.E.,
Mike.Andrews (02/03/95)
Re: Dim lighting in the tavern,
Meli ferch Iasper (Sharon Henderson) (02/03/95)
Story Telling,
HaMizrachi (02/03/95)
2 Ponte Alto Lunches,
MageSteve (02/03/95)
Games Tourney Update,
Susie Juroff (02/03/95)
Re (1): Dim Lighting in the Tavern,
Beary, Karen (02/03/95)
Leap Years etc.,
Dave Montuori (02/03/95)
Re: Dim lighting in the Tavern,
Wilbur Jessica Crossman (02/03/95)
Leap Years and Ponte Alto,
Douglas Zimmerman (02/03/95)
Higher Than Horse Thieves,
Podo's friend Troy (AKA Connor Levingstoune (02/03/95)
Charlotte Demo,
EoganmacL (02/04/95)
Real Timekeeping,
EoganmacL (02/04/95)
Story Telling- Correction,
HaMizrachi (02/04/95)
Calendars - The Final Word.,
Mario M. Butter (02/05/95)
Saturday, 29 February, 2020,
H L. Falls (02/05/95)
Bardic Exploits,
Karen Elisa Green (02/06/95)
double messgaes,
Michael P Johnson (02/06/95)
The Principalities Debate, was: The Evil P-word,
Lance Harrop (02/06/95)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re[2]: The Principalities Debate, was: The Evil P-word,
Morris, Beth (02/07/95)
- Re: The Principalities Debate, was: The Evil P-word,
David Schroeder (02/07/95)
- Re: Re[2]: The Principalities Debate, was: The Evil P-word,
Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (02/08/95)
- Re: The Principalities Debate, was: The Evil P-word,
Nik Hughes (02/08/95)
- Re: The Principalities Debate, was: The Evil P-word,
Michelle Ringo (02/09/95)
Three Principalities, a summation,
Lance Harrop (02/06/95)
Re: Three Principalities, a summation,
Thorpe, John (02/08/95)
House Corvus,
Karen Elisa Green (02/06/95)
Do we really need a Principality,
Lance Harrop (02/06/95)
Shameless Plug!,
djaggard (02/07/95)
Request for info,
dguptill (02/07/95)
Gilbert & Sullivan go to Ponte Alto,
John Strauss (02/08/95)
Re: Atlantian problems???,
Sean Sorrentino/Angus of Hamildone (02/08/95)
St. Patty's Blood Bath Announcement,
Erci Nolan (02/08/95)
RE: The Principality Debate,
djaggard (02/08/95)
the principality debate,
76THORSON (02/08/95)
Re: Atlantian problems.....,
Lynn Pawelka (02/08/95)
Yankees? (Was: Three Principalities, a summation),
Thorpe, John (02/08/95)
New Kingdom Earl Marshal,
Michael P Johnson (02/08/95)
[SCA-CAID:141] Fw: Upcoming Board Meeting in April (fwd),
Karen Elisa Green (02/09/95)
Herald's Handbook,
Michael Hammond (02/09/95)
Can o' Worms,
John Strauss (02/09/95)
(Principality discussion discussion) Re: Can o' Worms,
wklosky (02/09/95)
Ponte Alto Lunch question,
Saaral of Ponte Alto (02/09/95)
Ponte Alto Lunch,
Mali ferch Iasper (Sharon Henderson) (02/09/95)
events-only list?,
Lori P. Walsh (02/09/95)
Of Rhinos and Un-Chivalry,
Tom Brady (02/09/95)
Atlantia's problems,
MARTI002 (02/09/95)
EVAN -- READ THIS!!! :),
Meli ferch Iasper (Sharon Henderson) (02/09/95)
Lunch in Alexandria area?,
Tanner Lovelace (02/09/95)
Having Fun, was: the principality debate,
Meli ferch Iasper (02/09/95)
What leifr L Leifr said about the Principality debate,
76THORSON (02/09/95)
What Leifr said about the Principality debate, part 2,
76THORSON (02/09/95)
title help,
John Strauss (02/10/95)
The whole bloody mess...,
chuck graves (02/10/95)
Not about P's or R's,
Carole Stoops (02/10/95)
Problems, Boundaries and Some Random Thoughts,
djaggard (02/10/95)
RE: Atlantia's problems (again),
Sandra Toscano 5-2024 (02/10/95)
New Group in the Works!!,
Rachel K. Wright (02/10/95)
Unsubscribe Me,
Kate Field (02/10/95)
Interbaronial Wars,
WKLOSKY (02/10/95)
Less P, More Filling,
WKLOSKY (02/10/95)
Re: Atlantian problems..... (fwd),
Michael P Johnson (02/10/95)
Other stuff (Was: Re[4]: Can o' Worms),
Thorpe, John (02/10/95)
Spring Carnival,
chuck graves (02/10/95)
Re: various questions....,
Dave Montuori (02/10/95)
Dennis R. Sherman (02/10/95)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Fishing?,
John Strauss (02/11/95)
Newcomer's Meeting, PA,
Carole Stoops (02/10/95)
Humor from Fergus of Hanna,
Razmus the Innocent (02/10/95)
Fairy Tales for Sale,
jghent (02/10/95)
No problems here,
EoganmacL (02/10/95)
Re: Principality: old name ...,
Nik Hughes (02/10/95)
Re: Eating tunafish...,
WKLOSKY (02/10/95)
David Kuijt (02/10/95)
Eric Jon Campbell (02/10/95)
Atlantia Choir?,
Michael Hammond (02/10/95)
Titles in Italy,
CHalstead (02/10/95)
John Strauss (02/11/95)
Mail addresses,
CGodfrey10 (02/11/95)
Re: Re[2]: Lunch in Alexandri...,
GaryH2018 (02/12/95)
Alternate titles, and other stuff,
EoganmacL (02/12/95)
Site opinions,
jghent (02/12/95)
What makes a good site,
djaggard (02/13/95)
Medieval Conference/Tech Fair At Penn State U.,
Tom Bilodeau (02/13/95)
atlantia homepage,
Greg Lindahl (02/13/95)
Something about those B-titles,
chuck graves (02/13/95)
Good site,
EoganmacL (02/13/95)
Lunch north of Beltway?,
Kim.Salazar (02/13/95)
Ruth a. Katz (02/13/95)
Re: Alternate titles, and oth...,
GaryH2018 (02/13/95)
Auditions yet again,
Corun MacAnndra (02/14/95)
Kingdom Politics? I spit in their general direction.,
DAWN (02/14/95)
Re: Lunch north of the Beltway?,
SWORDSMAN (02/14/95)
Games Tourney X: The Rules,
Greg Lindahl (02/14/95)
A historical question,
EoganmacL (02/14/95)
Travelling the known world--need help, contacts, info., temp. work...,
J. W. Tice (02/14/95)
Rhona (02/14/95)
Lunch at L'enfant Plaza?,
HaMizrachi (02/14/95)
Re: An historical question,
76THORSON (02/14/95)
UA Roundup,
John Strauss (02/15/95)
Grand Council Applicants (LONG),
CLSMIT (02/15/95)
Re: Grand Council Nominees...part 1,
chuck graves (02/15/95)
Re: Grand Council Nominees...part 2,
chuck graves (02/15/95)
Re: GC Nominees...part 3 (was: Who is on the Grand Counc...),
chuck graves (02/15/95)
Meeting/Fight Practice,
Karen Elisa Green (02/15/95)
Gulf Wars A&S?,
Thorpe, John (02/15/95)
Superstitions (was Re: Auditions yet again),
Dave Montuori (02/15/95)
Award Recommendations,
Jeffrey Sussman (02/15/95)
Lunch north--,
Mark Cassells (02/15/95)
The Acorn,
Shepherdss (02/15/95)
Virginia Brewers-*WARNING*!!!,
Mark Cassells (02/15/95)
re: Virginia Brewers-*WARNING*!!,
Dennis R. Sherman (02/16/95)
Lake Davidson,
Rhona (02/16/95)
Re: Grand Council Nominees...part 0,
chuck graves (02/16/95)
Re: Executioners and such (was: An historical question),
Meli ferch Iasper (Sharon Henderson) (02/16/95)
Re: The Acorn, and what they are saying,
kuijt (02/16/95)
Re: The very nature of Kill files and comments,
kuijt (02/16/95)
Lunch in the Shadow of the White Tower,
chuck graves (02/16/95)
Melee Events,
Jeffrey Sussman (02/16/95)
Spiff-o cool software alert!,
Corun MacAnndra (02/16/95)
List update,
Elizabeth Urbanik (02/16/95)
Ruth A. Cardiff (02/16/95)
Re: The Cheapside Anthem,
76THORSON (02/16/95)
List Update Corrections,
E. T. Smith (02/16/95)
Tall Flames from Little Acorns Grow....,
John Strauss (02/17/95)
EVENT: Bread and Circuses Collegium II,
Alison J. Smith (02/17/95)
re: Spiff-o Cool Software alert,
djaggard (02/17/95)
Is Ymir still on?,
Jack Helm (02/17/95)
Locating someone,
Elizabeth Urbanik (02/17/95)
[EVENT] Winters End Dance - March 25 - Northern Atlantia,
Razmus the Innocent (02/17/95)
RE: something fishy,
Gregory Stapleton (02/17/95)
A story! A story!,
Kim.Salazar (02/17/95)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- A story! A story!,
HaMizrachi (02/19/95)
- A story! A story!,
Kim.Salazar (02/20/95)
- Re: A story! A story!,
Kim.Salazar (02/20/95)
- Re: A story! A story!,
Charlene S- Noto (02/20/95)
- Re[2]: A story! A story!,
Kim.Salazar (02/21/95)
- Re: Re[2]: A story! A story!,
Charlene S- Noto (02/22/95)
- Re: A story! A story!,
Morris, Beth (02/27/95)
- Re[2]: A story! A story!,
Kim.Salazar (02/28/95)
- Re[3]: A story! A story!,
Morris, Beth (02/28/95)
Re: Executioners and such (wa...,
GaryH2018 (02/19/95)
Song (was: A Story! A Story!),
HaMizrachi (02/19/95)
More verses,
HaMizrachi (02/19/95)
Still more verses (end),
HaMizrachi (02/19/95)
Raleigh, N.C. area inquiry,
CORVUS2 (02/20/95)
Live Chess,
Jeffrey Sussman (02/20/95)
my mail address,
charles godfrey (02/20/95)
No Subject,
Eric Jon Campbell (02/21/95)
A question on honor,
Eric Jon Campbell (02/21/95)
New Address for branwynn o.,
wklosky (02/21/95)
A question on honor:resolution,
Eric Jon Campbell (02/22/95)
RE: A Question of Honor,
djaggard (02/22/95)
Giovanni's Schtick,
John Strauss (02/22/95)
DC Area: Elizabethan Households,
Charlene S- Noto (02/22/95)
Are Duck Pins Period?,
James Morrow (02/22/95)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Are Duck Pins Period?,
Kim.Salazar (02/24/95)
- Re: Are Duck Pins Period?,
Andrixos (02/26/95)
- Re: Are Duck Pins Period?,
Hggerald (02/26/95)
- Re[2]: Are Duck Pins Period?,
Kim.Salazar (02/27/95)
- Re[2]: Are Duck Pins Period?,
Kim.Salazar (02/27/95)
- Re[2]: Are Duck Pins Period?,
Kim.Salazar (02/27/95)
- Re[2]: Are Duck Pins Period?,
Ruth A. Cardiff (02/27/95)
- Re: Re[2]: Are Duck Pins Period?,
David Schroeder (02/27/95)
- RE: Re[2]: Are Duck Pins Period?,
Phillip of Ghent (02/27/95)
- Re: Are Duck Pins Period?,
Hggerald (02/27/95)
- Re[3]: Are Duck Pins Period?,
Kim.Salazar (02/28/95)
- Re[4]: Are Duck Pins Period?,
Kim.Salazar (02/28/95)
- RE: Re[3]: Are Duck Pins Period?,
Thorpe, John (02/28/95)
Event idea (very preliminary) --comments sought,
Karl William Kieninger (02/22/95)
Seeking member in Richmond area,
Tom Brady (02/23/95)
Discussion group,
charles godfrey (02/23/95)
The Black Diamond List,
Tom Brady (02/24/95)
Some Internet advice requested,
chuck graves (02/24/95)
Pan Pipes,
Corun MacAnndra (02/24/95)
APPROVE atlantia-l,
listserv (02/24/95)
Fireside song,
EoganmacL (02/25/95)
A Matter of Honor,
HaMizrachi (02/26/95)
Matter of Honor (con't),
HaMizrachi (02/26/95)
Video recording events - New Thread,
Tom Bilodeau (02/27/95)
BD: Collegium addenda,
Tom Brady (02/27/95)
Internet WWW Browsers,
Allen Nearing (02/27/95)
Re[*]: Fireside Song,
Dave Montuori (02/27/95)
Drachenwald device,
The Davidsons (02/27/95)
Re: Live Chess (fwd),
Jeffrey Sussman (02/27/95)
Wilbur Jessica Crossman (02/28/95)
D. Puns,
Sharon Gordon (02/28/95)
In the Shadow of the White Tower,
chuck graves (02/28/95)
Yet Another Event idea - comments sought,
Wilsey, Marty (02/28/95)

The Merry Rose Archive