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Travelling the known world--need help, contacts, info., temp. work...

Greetings from Daffyd MacColm of the Clan MacNessa,
from the shire of Seagirt in the kingdom of An Tir,

Come this May, I will be travelling from the kingdom of An Tir on an
internal pilgrimage.  I hope to visit each kingdom in North America.  

I'd like to make as many contacts as possible in as many kingdoms as 
possible, to facilitate my trip, and to allow me to expereince SCA 
events throughout and well outside of An Tir.

I'm interested in finding out if other kingdoms hold some sort of
Collegium, like An Tir's "Ithra" schools.  I teach a small range of
storytelling classes, and would love to teach in other kingdoms,
during my travels.  If it coincides with my trip plans (which are
*EXTREMELY* flexible) I'll even provide transportation (me 'n my

I also hope to do some occasional work during my trip--but the
requirements for a temporary VISA are such that I must have a job 
to go to before I start my trip.  Therefore, I am beseeching anyone
out there--If you are willing to offer me a temporary job while I visit,
it makes the US governemt very happy.  

I am a technical writer, fiction & nonfiction writer, I have been an 
actor, an instructor for theatre classes, an instructional designer 
(computer-based training), a graphic designer, an instructor for UNIX
and networking users (surfin' the net style teaching), and a dairy farmer.  
Oh, while the US government may or may not see it as such, *I* consider room 
& board fair payment for my work.  or even board--I have my own tent!

So, if you'd like to:

	*	Say hi, cause I'll probably be coming through your area...

	*	Give me some information on local collegiums...

	*	Offer crash space while I travel (I'll cook, polish armor...)

	*	Inquire as to what I might do for you to make the US
		government happy giving me a temporary work VISA...

	then please, give me a call!

My name is Daffyd, and I'm located at jtice@nero.uvic.ca and I read my
e-mail regularly..


Daffyd MacColm otc MacNessa                 Daffyd MacColm otc MacNessa
Slowly in service of the dream.             Jason W. Tice
                                            (604) 383-3732

|\  18.	Laguz	Unconsciousness, the past; immersion in the flow.  Do not try
|   	Flow	to analyse, just experience life. Cleanse. Realign.  Prepare.
|	Water 	                           -- Jason W. Tice jtice@nero.uvic.ca

\/  08. Inguz      : Share. Desire. Completion of the beginning. Fertilize the
<>      Fertility  | ground for your deliverance. release, resolutions, Enter
/\      New Starts | the delivery room.  -- Jason W. Tice jtice@nero.uvic.ca