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Dafydd's Song

[deletia maxima]

> Cheapside Anthem (sung to the tune of "If I Had A Hammer")
> 	If I had a Kill-file,
> 	I'd use it in the morning,
> 	I'd use it in the evening, 
> 	all over this forum.
> 	I'd kill out Guild-talk!
> 	I'd kill Principalities!
> 	I'd kill out all the stuff
> 	'bout fighting and brewing,
> 	a-a-ll over this fo-o-rum!

I think I'd re-title this Cheapside Cheapshots, but then I'm also reminded
of an entirely too appropriate song from that great musical, The Music Man.

Pick a little, talk a little
Pick a little, talk a little
Pick pick pick
Talk a lot pick a little more....


   Corun MacAnndra   | Enlightenment is not so much making it to Never Never
 Dark Horde by birth |  Land through the secret passageway. It's more like
   Moritu by choice  |   getting off your tail and doing something. - S.Gaskin