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Second call for auditions

Greetings unto the Rosies.

The auditions for That Scottish Play went very well. Unfortunately we did
not have nearly enough people come and try out. We were especially short
of men. Therefore I am announcing a second casting call, to be held once
again at my home in the People's Republic of Takoma Park, on Sunday, the
19th of February beginning at 2pm and lasting until we're done. Pizza will
probably be ordered if it's warranted.

Please bring copies of the script if you have them. For obvious reasons
we have not purchased individual copies of the play and have been working
out of various anthologies. But I only have one and Winifred has two (she
actually has three, but one of them turned out to have a large number of
pages missing right in the middle of that particular play).

Anyone, especiallly MEN, who is interested in auditioning, please come
on down. Contact me for directions or other info. If you can't make it
and still want to try out, I'm sure we can arrange something. You can
write me in email or call me at 301-445-5442. No calls after 10pm please.

Also, please pass this info along to others. Due to time constarints I
was not able to get copies of this announcement to the various newsletters.

In service,

   Corun MacAnndra   | Enlightenment is not so much making it to Never Never
 Dark Horde by birth |  Land through the secret passageway. It's more like
   Moritu by choice  |   getting off your tail and doing something. - S.Gaskin