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Re: A story! A story!
At 04:30 PM 2/17/95 -0500, Kim.Salazar@em.doe.gov wrote:
> To my fellow Cheapsiders,
> I'm sitting over on the other side of the room, alone with my
> embroidery, a warm fire, and rather a large quantity of fine ale.
> -Ianthe
<Deirdre, walks over to Ianthe, places her sewing basket down and warms her
hands by the fire>
May I join you m'lady? I love stories and songs. What are you stitching
today? I recently came across information on another merchant not on the
list I gave you. I thought you might be interested, and decided to come in
here and pass it along to you.
Linn Skinner at Compuserve 74663,330 said to me:
If anyone is having trouble finding Gold, Silver or
Copper Threads (pearl purl, check, passing, japan, rough,
Grecian, bullion, etc.) I can recommend a manufacturer in
Benton & Johnson Ltd.
26 Marshalsea Road
London SE 1HF
071-407-6480 Fax
I hope you may find some use for it. <Deirdre, sits down, pulls out her
embroidery and eagerly awaits another story>
Charlene Noto
Internet: deirdre@cybernetics.net
Compuserve: 75374,3154
SCA: Deirdre of Boolteens, Barony of Sacred Stone
Vert, On a Chevron Or, Three Butterflies Sable, In Chief Erminois