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Grand Council Applicants (LONG)

     Greetings unto the Cheap Rosy Gentles (or something like that) from 
     Caroline! Below is the list of applicants to the Grand Council, 
     updated with a few new applicants.
     Please read the whole list -- some gentles have moved from Atlantia to 
     other places and have applied to the Grand Council.
     I look forward to your comments!
     I remain, ever in Service,
     Grand Council Coordinator and just this chick from Atlantia via the 
     East now living in Calontir.

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Subject: Grand Council Applicants (LONG)
Author:  CLSMIT@ccmail.monsanto.com at CCGTWINT
Date:    2/3/95 4:07 PM

 Greetings unto the Gentles on the Rialto and the Reform list from Lady 
 Caroline Forbes of Oxfordshire, Grand Council Coordinator!
 Some of you may be wondering about the status of your application to the Grand 
 Council, and others may wish to comment on the applicants. This missive 
 contains the names of the gentles who have applied to the Grand Council, NOT 
 including the Kingdom and Board appointments, and describes the process used 
 to review the applications.
 There are currently 20 GC members: the 13 Kingdom appointments, the Lochac 
 appointment, and 6 Board appointments. The list of these gentles will be 
 posted separately.
 The process to determine the remaining GC members is as follows: There is 
 group of 3 GC members (Lord Tibor of Rock Valley, Baron Corwyn da Costa, and 
 myself), who are reviewing the applicants and who will recommend to the Board 
 whom else to add to the Grand Council. We are looking for people who will work 
 hard to determine how the Society should handle its relationship with the 
 modern world. Paid membership in the Society is *not* required. We hope to 
 have this work done by Estrella.
 Tibor, Corwyn, and I do not know everyone on this list. Therefore, we would 
 like your help. If you have any comments on any of the gentles below, please 
 send them to me and I will forward them to Tibor and Corwyn. Or, you can send 
 them to me, Tibor (schuldy@math.harvard.edu) and Corwyn (corwyn@aol.com) 
 directly. Your comments will be kept in a public file.
 Thank you for your assistance in this exciting but difficult process! I 
 remain, ever in service,
 In Alphabetical Kingdom Order
 SCATitle SCAFirstName  SCASurName      First Name  Last Name        Kingdom 
 Baron    Richard          Fergus               Richard   Edwards      An Tir 
 Master Sir Paul           of Somerton          Paul      Farmer       An Tir 
 Dame     Zenobia          Naphtali             Leslie    Schweitzer   An Tir
          Fiacha           Mac Neill            Nigel     Haslock      An Tir
 Honorable Lord Alen       Bendbow              Trent     Becker       An Tir 
 Lady     Erna             Kajadotter           Karin     Thirlwell    An Tir
          Simon            von der EisenhandlungMark      Hendershott  An Tir
 Sir      Brand            McLiam               GregRobin Smith        An Tir 
 Honorable Lord Enoch      Crandal              Peter     Polk        Ansteorra 
 Lord     Llywelyn         Gruffydd             Todd      Marsh       Ansteorra 
 Master   Michael          Fenwick              Michael   Andrews     Ansteorra 
 Lord     Modius           Monsdraconis         Erik      Langhans    Ansteorra 
 Baroness Cathlin          Sommerfield          Susan     Rachel      Ansteorra 
 Baron    Kazimir PetrovichPomeshanov           Howard    Rachel      Ansteorra 
 Lady     Francesca        Sansovino            Ann       Abate       Ansteorra 
 Lady     Aelfric          of Alburn            Barbara   Weiszbrod   Ansteorra 
 Lady     Llereth          Wyddffa              Luana     Martindale  Ansteorra 
 Baron    Aodhan           Ite                  David     Brummel     Ansteorra 
 Master   Robin            of Gilwell           Jay       Rudin       Ansteorra 
 Baroness Clarissa         di Firenze           Dottie    Elliott     Antsteorra
 Lady     Rhianwen         Morgain              Tonie     Witherspoon Atenveldt
          Brendan          ap Morgan            Joe       Gawron      Atenveldt
 Lord     Tirloch          of Tallaght          Tom       Bilodeau     Atlantia
          Karen            Larsdatter           Karen     Green        Atlantia
 Duke     Gyrth            Oldcastle            Gerald    O'Leary      Atlantia 
 Sir      Edric Aaron      Hartwood             ????      ????         Caid 
 Herzog   Dietrich         von Vogelsang        Todd      French       Caid
          al-Khariji abd alYusif                Charles   Berridge     Caid 
          Eirikr           Sigurdarson          Mark      Wroth        Caid
 Lord  Edward   the Discalceate      Phil      Anderson     Caid/Southern Gaard
          Matsuyama    Yoshitoshi    Dorian    Davis        Caid/Southern Gaard
 Baron    Charles          Stewart O'Connor     J         Hughes       Calontir 
 Duke     Thomas           Shadan               James     Downey       Calontir 
 Lord     Terras                                Joseph    Heck         Calontir 
 Master   Maegrim          Inwaer               Jeffrey   Howe         Calontir 
 Lord     Wulfric          aet Wealingaford     Ronald    Broach       Calontir 
 Honorable Lord Alban      St Albans            Edward    Eisenstein   Calontir
          Wolfgang AdolphusJager                Dominic   Hunter    Drachenwald 
          Catrin           Gwyntstlum           Janna     Spanne    Drachenwald 
          Frithiof         Skagge               Sven      Noren     Drachenwald
 Baron    Wulfhere         von Kannteuffel      Martin    Hickey    Drachenwald 
 Master   William          de Corbie            Ake       Eldberg   Drachenwald
 Lord     Miklos           Sandorfia            Andrew    Draskoy      East
 Lord     Fionn            MacAilein            Jeff      Carnegie     East
          Alaric           Ludonie              Vincent   Ruta         East
 Master   Bertram          of Bearington        P.        Schroeder    East 
 Baron    Steffan          ap Cennydd           Steven    Mesnick      East 
 Lord     Aelfric          of Sarisberie        Marc      Rubinstein   East 
 Lord     Kwelland-Nhal    Kollskeggsson        David     James        East
          Arthur           the Dented           Scott     Keys         East
 Baroness Caitlin          o hAodha             Kathleen  Griffin      East 
 Mistress Alienor          Llanfaes             Colette   Goodyear     East
          Artorius         D'Albert             Albert    Thompson     East 
          Emma             Llwewllyn            Roylene   Thompson     East
 Lady     Elishiva         Bas Yehuda           EJ        Dotts        East 
 Mistress Alizaunde        de Bregeuf           Honor     Horne-Jaruk  East 
 Lady     Solveig          Throndartottir       Barbara   Nostrand     East 
 Master   Fridrikr         Tomasson             Tom       Ireland-DelfsEast 
 Lord     Alexander        Listkeeper           Carl      Alexander    East 
 Baron    Hossein          Ali Qomi             Gregory   Rose         East
 Lord     Alexander        Yeshiva              Alex      Newman       East
 Lord     Alexander        Ravenscroft          Brian     Moore        Meridies 
 Baron    Robert           of the Isles         Robert    Ament        Meridies 
 Lord     Thomas           Hallr                Tom       Earley       Middle 
 Mistress Myrra            de Blackwoode        Jeri      Matteson-HughMiddle 
 Duke     Finnvarr         de Taahe             Steve     Muhlberger   Middle 
 Lord     Dietrich         von Hamburg          David     Cook         Middle 
 Lady     Alysoun          de Ros               Carole    Roos         Middle 
 Master   Beorthwine       of Grafham Wood      David     Corliss      Middle 
 Lord     Bjorn            hinn Heppni          Thomas    Yasin        Middle 
 Sir      Ozmundus         Thorkelsson          Craig     Osborne      Middle 
 Honorable Lord AElwine    Edwinsson            Charles   Wright       Middle 
 Duchess  Katherine        of Sternfeld         Katherine Marette      Middle 
 Master   Thorbjorn        the Greysides        Wesley    Noel         Middle 
 Sir      Mencken          Brechen              Michael   Cohen        Middle
          Stefano          d'Amato              Bill      Hotaling     Middle
 Lady     Dorothea         van der Zee          Kathryn   Gomm         Middle 
 Lord     Nigel            FitzMaurice          Bruce     Gordon       Middle
          Hinach           ben Joseph           Hlton     Kaufman      Middle 
          Magnus           Maquire              James     McManus      Middle
 Lady     Meadhbh          ni Dhubhain          Marie     Klein        Middle 
 Baroness Barbary          de Folo              Julie     Watkins      Middle
          Robert Christian Madison              Thomas    Grinslade    Outlands 
          Qadiah           Elisheva             Corinne   Dowd         Outlands
 Lady     Medhbh           O'Duibhdabhoireann   Teresa    Sherwin      Outlands
          Seamus           O'Mourne             Tim       Fyock        Outlands
 Honorable Lady Melissa    of Winged Hills      Melissa   Yakura       Outlands 
 Master   Jed              Silverstar           Jed       O'Connor     Trimaris
          Richard          of Trimaris          Rick      Strother     Trimaris
 Lord     John             von Limburg          John      Debets       Trimaris 
 Duke     Frederick        of Holland           Frederick Hollander    West
 Sir      Brion            Thornbird            Brian     Price        West 
 Duke     Paul             of Bellatrix         Paul      Porter       West 
 Master   Hal              Ravn                 Wilson    Heydt        West
          Brian            O'Seabac             Guy       Cox          West
 Lord     Wolfgang         Rotkopf              Dale      Harris       West 
 Mistress Victoria         of Elmhurst Hollow   Vicky     Will         West 
 Mistress Eilis            O'Bourne             Lee       Forgue       West 
 Viscountess  Ceridwen     MacAoudhegain        Catherine Keegan       West 
 Condesa  Juana Isabella   de Montoya y Ramirez Donna     Green        West 
 Lord     Gregory          of Loch Swan         Gregory   Turkich   West/Lochac