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Re: Dim lighting in the tavern

Kendrick suggests a face to face meeting for the folks on Atlantia-net.

I vividly remember, from my bbs days in the mid-80s, a time the inhabitants
of a particularly spiff bbs held a face to face party. I got to meet dozens
of people I had known intimately for years and never met. What fun! We made 
a game, as each new person arrived, of engaging them in conversation with no
introductions, then trying to guess who they were. Yours Truly was identified
by all in under 25 words. 

Kendrick, if you need any help from me in setting up a way for folks to 
find each other at University, let me know.


--------- John Strauss     gc429@cleveland.freenet.edu ---------
University Atlantia #38 is April 8th at Rencester on the William
and Mary Campus. Taking class proposals immediately. Taking bids
for UA #39 on July 1st.  - Henry Best, Chancellor, U of Atlantia