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Re: Fishing

FYI:  Only one problem with this wonderful idea.  The Virginia Fish and 
Wildlife officers.  If they catch a bunch of people fishing in the 
James without licenses, they WILL give y'all tickets.  You'd need to 
get a day license to be safe.  I know from personal experience, they 
can show up in the durndest places.  The only safe alternative to this 
would be a private pond on private land.
From: hoh jennifer l  <jlhoh1@mail.wm.edu>
To: John Strauss  <gc429@cleveland.Freenet.Edu>
Cc:  <atlantia-l@netcom.com>
Subject: Re: Fishing
Date: Saturday, February 11, 1995 5:12PM

Henry (or Brock...), I'm not sure if I mentioned this to you or not, but I'm
willing to
have people come out to my place to fish if they want--I live at the
confluence of the James and the Chickahommany, about 12 miles from the
University site.  You have to let me know before-hand, tho', as I share
a dock and need to let my neighbors know if a gaggle of scadians are
going to descend... (of course, anybody is welcome to stand on the
shore/set up camp whatever, I have my own beach, I just share the dock...)


On Sat, 11 Feb 1995, John Strauss wrote:

> Robyyan asks about Brock providing more info on period fishing....
> Brock is making noises about a fishing class at April University. Still
> on the drawing board, but maybe a morning 1 hour class followed by an
> afternoon field trip to a nearby lake or the James River. As I said,
> this is Henry gossiping, not Brock committing...
> -Henry
> --
> --------- John Strauss     gc429@cleveland.freenet.edu ---------
> University Atlantia #38 is April 8th at Rencester on the William
> and Mary Campus. Taking class proposals immediately. Taking bids
> for UA #39 on July 1st.  - Henry Best, Chancellor, U of Atlantia