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Re: Melee Events

On Fri, 17 Feb 1995, Corun MacAnndra wrote:

> Greetings from Corun.
> Richard posted about melee events, and I have a question. When was the last
> time Atlantia held a live action chess match? I know it's not melee per se,
> but I've always found the chess match with real people as the pieces to be
> very interesting.
> Just another random thought.
> In service,
> Corun
Hopefully, Corun, if we have enough fighters show up, we want
to have a live chess match at Storvik Baronial Investiture.
I still have to find out a few things first, though.
If anyone is interested, come to the investiture, Sunday (yes, 
Sunday) March 26.

Autocrat, SBI
Tanner Lovelace | lovelace@netcom.com   |  D /       C /  Fence
Takoma Park     | lovelace@cap.gwu.edu  | ()~    --+-\\   Fence
Maryland        | lovelace@cuc.edu      | / >        | \  Fence
         Non curamus quem regem sit etiam conbibabimur.