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Greetings to House ap Gwystl!

Good gentles, I beg your indulgence whilst I honor a debt to a friend.

This past weekend my lord and I traveled to Blizzard Castles - at least, 
we attempted to.  Our fine four-footed steed took offense at the slush in 
the road, and decided to seek refuge in the median, breaking both of his 
front legs in the process. :(  Fortunately, neither myself nor Killian 
were damaged (well, except for his pride and our pocketbooks!).  This 
left us stranded in Black Diamond with no means of returning home...  
(Under normal circumstances, that would have been most enjoyable, mind 
you, but he had classes Monday and that same Monday was my first day at a 
new job. *wince*)

Gallantly to our rescue came Lord Aubrey Gowan and his Lady Aislynn, 
offering us lodgings in their room at the inn and transporting us back to 
our home the next day.  Let all know of their gracious generosity!  The 
only repayment they asked was that I carry their regards to those members 
of their extended family who frequent the Merry Rose.  Dafydd, Bronwynn, 
this means you... :)  The courtesy of your noble cousins in Sacred Stone 
reflects well on your household!

					In gratitude, I remain,

angharad melys
windmaster's hill (as of monday!)
