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Re: Let's divide Atlantia into three Principalities

On Feb 1, 11:47, Landi wrote:

> Duke Richard, responding to Leifr, comments in part: 
> > You separate Isenfir and Black Diamond.
>    This is pretty much a foregone conclusion.  Records from Isenfir
> events show that most of our attendance comes from the northern region,

We have to keep in mind that Black Diamond isn't that large. At Games
Tourney IX last year, I sat with around 12? gentles from Black Diamond
at the feast, out of 80 gentles total. I ran into numerous BDers at
University, and BD was the only group that sent seneschals to the
Northern Concerns meeting after University. Given Black Diamond's
size, they send quite a few gentles to Isenfir events.

>    I haven't heard of _any_ principality proposal which includes Black
> Diamond, Caer Mear, and Ponte Alto in the same principality, which means
> that Isenfir _will_ be a border group in any case.

Right-o, and so it's safe to say that Isenfir would prefer "no
principality" as its first answer... if other groups decide to form
one, we may or may not join in, to avoid being on the wrong side of
the border, but the entire concept of a Principality fills us with

In service,

Gregory Blount of Isenfir