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Re: Let's divide Atlantia into three Principalities

Duke Richard, responding to Leifr, comments in part: 

> You separate Isenfir and Black Diamond.

   This is pretty much a foregone conclusion.  Records from Isenfir
events show that most of our attendance comes from the northern region,
while Black Diamond has a much closer relationship with Windmasters 
Hill and points south.  At least, that's how I understand the situation;
corrections are welcome!
   I haven't heard of _any_ principality proposal which includes Black
Diamond, Caer Mear, and Ponte Alto in the same principality, which means
that Isenfir _will_ be a border group in any case.  If anyone has any
suggestions for defusing nasty politics and enabling the shire to prosper
in event of principalitification (or whatever...:-), I'd love to hear