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Re: Auditions yet again

On Tue, 14 Feb 1995, Corun MacAnndra wrote:

> Greetings to the Folk of the Merry Rose.
> This is just a last minute reminder that auditions are being held this
> Sunday, 19 February, at my home in the People's Republic of Takoma Park
> starting at about 2pm.
> Everyone is welcome, but especially men. If you have a copy of the script,
> please bring it.
> In service,
> Corun

You might mention that you are auditioning for a performance of
Shakespeare's MacBeth.  There are a few new people on the list
who weren't here to hear your first announcement.

In service,
Tanner Lovelace | lovelace@netcom.com   |  D /       C /  Fence
Takoma Park     | lovelace@cap.gwu.edu  | ()~    --+-\\   Fence
Maryland        | lovelace@cuc.edu      | / >        | \  Fence
         Non curamus quem regem sit etiam conbibabimur.